July 3, 2024

Rapper Travis Scott arrested in Miami on intoxication and trespassing

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Rapper Travis Scott, known legally as Jacques Bermon Webster, got in trouble again. The hip-hop Artist, 33, got arrested in Miami at 4:35 a.m. He was acting disorderly drunk and trespassing1. This happened after a fight with a yacht crew at Miami Beach Marina2. Police said he smelled of alcohol and was acting wild2. He said, “It’s Miami,” when talking about drinking1.

Scott was charged with trespassing and drunken behavior3. He paid a $650 bond for his release. This included $500 for being drunk and $150 for trespassing21. By 8 a.m., he was out of jail3. This is not the first time Scott has faced legal problems or been arrested at shows.

Travis Scott arrested

Key Takeaways

  • Travis Scott, also known as Jacques Webster, was arrested in Miami at 4:35 a.m. for being drunk and trespassing1.
  • He was taken after arguing with the crew on a rented yacht2.
  • Scott said he was drinking, noting, “It’s Miami.”1.
  • For his freedom from jail, he paid a $650 bond12.
  • This happened before the second part of his Circus Maximus tour for his album “Utopia”1.

Incident Overview

The Travis Scott Miami Beach arrest is big news. The rapper got into a fight on a yacht. This led to the police coming.

Details of the Arrest

Travis Scott was caught for drunk behavior and going where he shouldn’t. He smelled like alcohol and even said he was drinking, noting it was Miami45. He left once but came back, causing the police to arrest him at 1:44 a.m6. For his actions, he paid fines totaling $65045.

Location and Timeline

The drama happened at the Miami Beach Marina, located at 300 Alton Road, Miami Beach4. Reports of a fight on a yacht brought the police5. Scott was detained at 1:44 a.m. and then booked in jail at 4:35 a.m45. He got out of jail by 8:00 a.m. with a $650 bond6.

Charges Filed Against Travis Scott

Travis Scott, also known as Jacques Webster, got in trouble in Miami Beach. He was charged with disorderly intoxication and trespassing. This happened after a problem on a yacht at the Miami Beach Marina78.

Disorderly Intoxication

Scott was very drunk, shouting at people on the yacht. He did not listen to the police. This caused trouble at the Miami Beach Marina98. When the police came, he said he drank because “It’s Miami”7. He had to pay $150 for this problem7.


Scott would not leave the yacht or dock. The owner asked him to go, but he didn’t listen. Then the police took him for not going away when told98. For this, he had a fine of $500. The total he had to pay was $650 because of the other problem too78.

Details from the Arrest Affidavit

The arrest report shares a story about Travis Scott at the Miami Beach Marina. Witnesses say Scott, real name Jacques Bermon Webster, was shouting at people on a yacht. The noise caught the police officers’ attention10.

Eyewitness Accounts

Many onlookers saw Scott get into a loud fight with yacht guests. He was yelling a lot. This led the police to step in10. What’s important is, no one got physically hurt. But, the noise was so big, police had to come11. Also, these people smelled alcohol on Scott’s breath. The police noticed this too10.

Officer Statements

The police wrote in their report about what happened. They got there at 1:44 a.m. and found Scott being very loud and not following orders to leave10. They also said he wasn’t just loud with the yacht folks; he was also loud with them10.

The report says it took ten officers to deal with Scott properly. They all had camera proof of what went down. This proof showed Scott didn’t want to leave, which led to his arrest for not listening and being too drunk11.

The report also said things didn’t get physical. They compare it to getting a ticket for causing a scene. This is pretty normal in situations when Scott is around11. It shows how wild things can get when he shows up at places.

Details Surrounding the Yacht Incident

Travis Scott’s yacht issue at Miami Beach Marina started with him and the crew arguing. They argued when Scott yelled at the crew very early in the morning. The police came because of this. They found out Scott had been drinking. This made things even more out of control12.

Initial Dispute

The fight got big fast and Scott was told to go. But, then Scott went back to the yacht. He did not listen to the crew and made things worse13. Because he wouldn’t leave like they said, he got in trouble with the police. They arrested him for not listening and for being too drunk14. To get out of jail, he had to pay $500 for one thing and $150 for the other12.

Repetitive Behavior

This wasn’t Scott’s first time getting into trouble for how he acts in public. He often causes problems at his shows and has been arrested a few times for it13. His behavior can be risky and shows he doesn’t always follow the rules. The yacht fight reminds everyone of his past issues with the law14.

His latest arrest adds to his other legal issues, like the Astroworld Festival problems in 202113. Even with these big troubles, Scott has not been charged with a crime. But, he had to settle claims from the event. Despite this, Scott has had a lot of success in music since 2016. This shows the hard part about being a famous artist, balancing your career and staying out of legal trouble13.

Release from Jail

Travis Scott was arrested in Miami. He was charged with misdemeanor trespassing and disorderly intoxication. He was taken in at 4:35 a.m. ET to the Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center15. A bond of $650 helped him get out of jail quickly15. He got released on the same day around 8 a.m., thanks to a swift process16.

This wasn’t his first run-in with the law because of his behavior on stage16. Even with this trouble, his fans still support him. They were happy to hear he was out of jail. The quick release was important for his next shows17.

Travis Scott is well-known for songs like “Sicko Mode” and “Highest in the Room.” Events at his shows have caused legal troubles before15. After his Miami arrest, his team worked fast to get him out. Now, everyone is looking forward to his Europe tour. The attention is back on his music now15.

His legal team’s fast work made sure he left jail quickly. This quick action shows he’s ready for his upcoming shows. Despite his Miami issue, he’s ready to get back on stage17.

Public and Media Reactions

Travis Scott recently got in trouble with the law at a Miami marina. His actions made big news and many people talked about it. Around 1 am, ten police officers were needed for a problem he was involved in. Fans and others quickly shared their thoughts about what happened18.

Travis Scott arrest reactions

Official Statements

There are not many official words about Travis Scott’s arrest yet. Police say he smelled like alcohol, showing he was part of the issue. Someone knowledgeable about the event said it was more about talking than fighting. They compared it to a small thing that just needed a warning18.

Social Media Buzz

On social media, many have strong opinions. Some believe this trouble fits a pattern they think they see. They point to his past issues and the sad situation at the Astroworld Festival18. Others say it’s not a big deal. They mention that Travis Scott joked online right after he got out19.

This news has been a big deal in the media. They are especially interested because of Scott’s big upcoming tour. People online are also talking a lot. It shows how different everyone’s views are on what happened18.

Travis Scott

Travis Scott’s History of Legal Issues

Travis Scott often gets in trouble, which many people see. His wild shows and problems at concerts get him into legal fights. He was recently arrested in Miami. But, this is not new for him. He’s also been in trouble for things at his shows and past mistakes.

Previous Arrests

On June 20, in Miami, Travis was arrested for acting badly while drunk20. But, he’s not new to legal issues. In 2015, he was in trouble at Lollapalooza20. Later, in 2017, he got arrested for starting a dangerous situation at a concert20. At the same concert, he was also found guilty for behaving badly after people got hurt20.

Concert Incidents

Problems at Travis Scott’s concerts have caused a lot of talk and lawsuits. For instance, at the 2021 Astroworld event, 10 people died. It was bad for 50,000 fans. Before this, he had gotten in trouble for starting riots and making fans get past security, which hurt some of them21. Also, someone says they were pushed off a balcony at Travis’s show and got hurt badly. Now, there’s a big legal case because of that21.

These events often lead to many people suing him. After the Astroworld event, more than 12 lawsuits were filed21. Experts say more lawsuits might come, asking for lots of money21. A Houston lawyer wants over $1 million for someone hurt at Astroworld because of poor safety21. Another attorney has filed suits for 36 hurt people, including one who died21.

The Astroworld Tragedy

In 2021, the Astroworld Festival saw a sad event. A big crowd push led to ten people’s deaths. They were between 9 and 27 years old. Many others got hurt222324. The music world was deeply saddened. Also, it brought up big worries about safety at events and how to control crowds.

Summary of Events

On November 5, 2021, many people were at the Astroworld Festival. A crowd crush happened. Ten people died, and 25 went to the hospital2223. Over 300 had small injuries. And 11 had big heart problems2223. Even though up to 200,000 people could have been there, only 50,000 were. Things went very wrong, hurting many and their families.

Legal Repercussions

After the Astroworld festival, over 500 lawsuits came up. They were about the deaths and injuries24. Travis Scott, Live Nation, and others were sued. But, a Texas grand jury didn’t blame anyone on June 29, 20232224. The situation showed we need better safety plans and crowd rules for big events.

The Astroworld tragedy warns us of the dangers if events aren’t well-planned. It shows the serious legal results. Now, the music world must make safety stronger. This is key to stop bad things from happening again and keep everyone safe at shows.

Impact on Upcoming Tour Dates

The Travis Scott tour is big news, especially now. Tickets were gone in a flash when they went on sale in Europe on May 1025. Places like Cologne’s Rhein Energie Stadion and Deutsche Bank Park in Frankfurt sold out right away, showing how much people love the rapper25. But an arrest has people worried about the shows being called off.

There’s no news yet if the arrest means concerts will be canceled. 53,000 tickets sold for the July 23 show in Milan25! More dates were even added because so many people wanted to go. Fans hope nothing changes because even North American shows are all sold out at places like the TD Garden and Bell Centre25.

Fans remember what happened at the Astroworld show. It was tragic, with 10 deaths and over 300 hurt26. This makes everyone worry about the future tours, especially since ticket prices have dropped to as low as $826.

People are still excited about his European tour. Big venues like London’s Tottenham Hotspur Stadium will be packed25. But, there’s worry about more shows being called off or changed because of recent events.

VenueCityCapacityTicket Price
Rhein Energie StadionCologne43,661$98
Deutsche Bank ParkFrankfurt48,300$98
Tottenham Hotspur StadiumLondon48,256$98
Ippodromo SNAI la MauraMilan78,000$98

Travis Scott

Travis Scott is a big star in music. He has changed the hip-hop world a lot. His music mixes awesome sounds with strong words.

His Influence in Hip-Hop

His songs often hit the top charts. He has over 100 songs that made it big. Also, four of his songs hit number one in the US27.

But, Travis Scott does more than music. He works on cool projects, like his album “Astroworld.” It did really well and got many good reviews. It was his second album in a row to reach number one on Billboard27.

Major Achievements

Scott is a star with many awards. He has ten Grammy nominations27. Fans in the US have bought more than 49 million of his records.

His first album “Rodeo” was a hit with critics. His later albums like “Birds in the Trap Sing McKnight” and “Utopia” also did great27. Travis Scott is the first to have three songs get to number one in less than a year27.

Travis Scott's career

Legal Representation and Defense Strategy

Travis Scott’s lawyers haven’t shared their plans after his recent arrest. Everyone is watching to see how they deal with the charges in Miami. In the past, they have been smart. They often make deals to avoid big trouble. Their goal is to protect Scott’s career and how people see him.

In the Astroworld case, Scott’s team got him out of many lawsuits28. The police in Houston didn’t charge him, and a jury decided not to blame him or five others28. Still, the fight in court is important for Scott’s defense plan.

The lawsuits from the Astroworld Festival ask for over $3 billion, with more than 60 lawyers working on them29. Because this is such a big deal, high-profile law firms are helping Scott. The law firm Susman Godfrey, for example, is ready for a big legal battle29. Many other lawyers also represent over 600 people who say they got hurt at the festival29.

Manuel Souza filed a lawsuit asking for more than $1,000,000 against Scott, Live Nation, Scoremore, and others30. This case shows how important a strong defense is. The choices Scott’s lawyers make are key for dealing with all the legal troubles.


Travis Scott got arrested in Miami, facing more legal trouble. This issue adds to his long history of legal problems. This includes the tragic event at Astroworld where 10 people died31. These problems could change how people see him and affect his music career.

He was also seen at the Cannes Film Festival, arguing with Cher32. Such events show his complex life. He has to balance his public and private lives, which can lead to controversy. These public events, along with his recent arrest, affect his image a lot.

It’s important for Travis to beat these legal issues. He has been strong, still making music after past troubles. But, how the public and media see these events will matter a lot. His upcoming trial for the Astroworld lawsuit could affect many other cases31. Overcoming these challenges will show if he can stay a top artist in hip-hop.


What led to Travis Scott’s arrest in Miami?

Travis Scott got arrested in Miami for being drunk and going where he shouldn’t. This happened after a fight on a yacht at the Miami Beach Marina. He argued with the crew, didn’t listen to the police, and went back, which got him arrested.

Where and when did the incident occur?

This all happened at the Miami Beach Marina. The fight between Travis Scott and the yacht crew began early in the morning. He ended up getting arrested at 1:44 a.m. and taken to jail at 4:35 a.m.

What charges were filed against Travis Scott?

He faced charges of messing up in public while drunk and going back to a place he shouldn’t.

What does the arrest affidavit reveal?

The report says Scott was seen yelling at people on the yacht. Police noted he smelled like alcohol. He didn’t do what the police asked, which is why they arrested him. The police had cameras on, so they caught everything.

What happened during the yacht incident?

At first, there was a problem on the yacht that Travis Scott was on. He was told to leave but then came back. This made things worse, and he was arrested for not listening to the yacht’s crew and the police.

How quickly was Travis Scott released from jail?

He left jail soon after paying 0. Scott got out early in the morning and was out of the detention center by 8 a.m.

How have the public and media reacted to Travis Scott’s arrest?

News of his arrest spread fast through the media and social sites like Twitter. People are sharing their thoughts. But, no official word has come out yet.

Does Travis Scott have a history of legal issues?

Yes, Travis Scott has had legal issues before. This includes problems at concerts and agreeing he did something wrong at Lollapalooza. His shows sometimes bring up strong reactions from the crowd and trouble with the law.

What was the Astroworld tragedy, and its impact?

At the Astroworld Festival in 2021, too many people in one place caused ten to die and others to get hurt. This made everyone think hard about keeping people safe at events and how to control big crowds. It led to lawsuits that were all settled.

Will the arrest affect Travis Scott’s upcoming tour dates?

It’s not yet clear how the arrest will change Travis Scott’s plans to perform. People wonder if he will cancel some shows or if everything will continue as planned.

What are Travis Scott’s significant achievements in hip-hop?

Travis Scott has done very well in hip-hop. His songs like “Sicko Mode” and his album “Astroworld” have been very popular and earned him a lot of awards.

What is known about Travis Scott’s legal defense strategy?

Scott’s legal team isn’t talking about their plans right now. In past times, Scott has worked out deals or admitted to smaller charges. Many are wondering how his lawyers will manage his case in Miami.

Source Links

  1. https://deadline.com/2024/06/travis-scott-arrested-1235978792/ – Travis Scott Arrested In Miami Beach For Disorderly Intoxication And Trespassing; Asked By Police If He’d Been Drinking, Rapper Said, ‘It’s Miami”
  2. https://variety.com/2024/music/news/travis-scott-arrested-miami-for-disorderly-intoxication-1236043018/ – Travis Scott Arrested in Miami for Disorderly Intoxication and Trespassing
  3. https://www.billboard.com/music/rb-hip-hop/travis-scott-arrested-disorderly-intoxication-trespassing-miami-1235713736/ – Travis Scott Arrested for Disorderly Intoxication & Trespassing in Miami
  4. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/music-news/travis-scott-arrest-miami-1235927774/ – Travis Scott Arrested for Disorderly Intoxication, Trespassing in Miami
  5. https://www.deadline.com/2024/06/travis-scott-arrested-1235978792/ – Travis Scott Arrested In Miami Beach For Disorderly Intoxication And Trespassing; Asked By Police If He’d Been Drinking, Rapper Said, ‘It’s Miami”
  6. https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/20/entertainment/travis-scott-arrest-miami-dade/index.html – Travis Scott arrested for disorderly intoxication, trespassing early Thursday | CNN
  7. https://people.com/travis-scott-arrested-in-florida-8666176 – Travis Scott Arrested in Florida on Charges of Disorderly Intoxication and Trespassing After Yacht Argument
  8. https://pagesix.com/2024/06/20/entertainment/travis-scott-arrested-for-disorderly-intoxication-in-miami/ – Travis Scott arrested for disorderly intoxication and trespassing in Miami
  9. https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/rapper-travis-scott-charged-with-disorderly-intoxication-on-miami-beach/ – Rapper Travis Scott charged with disorderly intoxication after arrest on Miami Beach
  10. https://www.wflx.com/2024/06/20/rapper-travis-scott-arrested-miami-beach-heres-charges-he-faces/ – Rapper Travis Scott arrested in Miami Beach. Here’s the charges he faces
  11. https://ew.com/travis-scott-arrested-disorderly-intoxication-trespassing-miami-8666171 – Travis Scott arrested in Miami on charges of disorderly intoxication and trespassing
  12. https://www.newsweek.com/travis-scott-kylie-jenner-ex-arrested-disorderly-intoxication-trespassing-1915224 – Kylie Jenner’s ex Travis Scott arrested on Miami yacht
  13. https://www.forbes.com/sites/maryroeloffs/2024/06/20/travis-scott-arrested-for-drunken-disorderly-conduct-in-miami-beach/ – Travis Scott Arrested In Miami Beach After Allegedly Screaming At Yacht Crew
  14. https://seattlemedium.com/travis-scott-arrested-for-disorderly-intoxication-trespassing-early-thursday/ – Travis Scott Arrested For Disorderly Intoxication, Trespassing Early Thursday
  15. https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/Culture/rapper-travis-scott-arrested-overnight-miami/story?id=111272070 – Travis Scott arrested in Miami after ‘yelling,’ becoming ‘erratic’: Police
  16. https://www.washingtonpost.com/entertainment/2024/06/20/travis-scott-arrest-miami-dade/ – Travis Scott arrested for disorderly intoxication in Miami Beach
  17. https://www.newsnationnow.com/crime/travis-scott-arrested/ – Rapper Travis Scott arrested in Miami
  18. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13551097/travis-scott-arrested-miami-hilarious-reaction-yacht-fight.html – Travis Scott’s response to cops after Florida yacht arrest revealed
  19. https://www.vibe.com/news/entertainment/travis-scott-arrested-disorderly-conduct-trespassing-miami-1234887508/ – Travis Scott Arrested For Disorderly Conduct, Trespassing In Miami
  20. https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/11682695/travis-scotts-criminal-history-revealed/ – Travis Scott’s criminal history revealed including post-concert arrests
  21. https://www.billboard.com/music/music-news/travis-scott-history-astroworld-lawsuits-9657558/ – Travis Scott’s Unruly Concert History Raises Red Flags in Astroworld Lawsuits
  22. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astroworld_Festival_crowd_crush – Astroworld Festival crowd crush
  23. https://ew.com/travis-scott-opens-up-about-astroworld-tragedy-8402207 – Travis Scott opens up about ‘devastating’ Astroworld tragedy
  24. https://www.billboard.com/business/legal/astroworld-police-report-details-tragedy-travis-scott-festival-1235381458/ – Astroworld Report Contains Chilling Details of Tragedy: ‘Someone’s Going to End Up Dead’
  25. https://news.pollstar.com/2024/05/15/travis-scott-adds-dates-as-euro-trek-sells-out – Travis Scott Adds Dates As Euro Trek Sells Out – Pollstar News
  26. https://cvhsnews.org/14792/uncategorized/travis-scott-the-lasting-effects-of-the-astroworld-tragedy – Travis Scott: The lasting effects of the Astroworld tragedy
  27. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Travis_Scott – Travis Scott
  28. https://fox5sandiego.com/news/ap-judge-set-to-hear-motion-to-dismiss-rapper-travis-scott-from-lawsuit-over-deadly-astroworld-concert/ – Attorneys for rapper Travis Scott say he was not responsible for safety at deadly Astroworld concert
  29. https://texaslawbook.net/live-nation-hires-susman-godfrey-lawyers-predict-astroworld-defendants-legal-strategies/ – Live Nation Hires Susman Godfrey; Lawyers Predict Astroworld Defendants’ Legal Strategies – The Texas Lawbook
  30. https://www.staplesellislaw.com/personal-injury/lawsuit-filed-against-travis-scott-following-astroworld-festival-tragedy/ – Lawsuit Following Astroworld Festival – Staples, Ellis + Associates, P.A.
  31. https://houstonlanding.org/houston-police-and-fire-should-share-blame-for-astroworld-disaster-travis-scott-and-live-nation-say/ – Houston police and fire should share blame for Astroworld disaster, Travis Scott and Live Nation say
  32. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/travis-scott-unraveling-weekend-high-octane-drama-familial-chatter-qofde – Travis Scott: Unraveling a Weekend of High-Octane Drama and Familial Dedication


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