June 30, 2024

How much A350 Cost: How Much for This Advanced Airliner?

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How much A350 Cost – The Airbus A350 costs a lot, but its real price is a mystery at first. The price can change a lot for different buyers and how many planes they order. The A350-900 costs about $317.4 million, and the A350-1000 is about $366.5 million1. Yet, airlines often pay way less, even half these amounts. This is because buying these planes is very tricky. Deals and large orders can make the price much lower. In 2018, Airbus said prices for the A350s are just for starting talks.

How much A350

Key Takeaways

  • The Airbus A350 cost starts at $317.4 million for the A350-900 and $366.5 million for the A350-10001.
  • Airlines pay different prices due to deals and buying in bulk.
  • Real prices can be much lower, sometimes almost half of the listed price.
  • Airbus uses these prices to begin talks for buying the planes.
  • Orders for more planes and special requests can greatly change the end price.

How much A350 Cost -Introduction to the Airbus A350

The Airbus A350 is a big step in modern flying2. It’s made for long trips and uses new materials. It comes in two types, the A350-900 and the A350-1000. They can fit 300 to 480 people2. They can travel up to 9,700 nautical miles, making long flights easier2.

This airplane makes flying comfy and is good for the planet2. Its cabin has fresh air every few minutes. The plane keeps the air perfect, so passengers feel good during the flight2. The A350 also uses special engines that burn less fuel. This means less CO2 in the air which is great for the environment2.

How much A350 Cost – The A350 uses a lot of new materials, more than 70%2. These materials make the plane lighter and more efficient. Because of this, it needs less maintenance and works better2. The A350 is known for being quiet inside. This helps the crew and passengers have a nicer time during the flight2.

The A350 fits well with other Airbus planes, which is good for airlines2. It’s a smart choice for airlines that care about the environment. Plus, it helps them make more money2.

List Price of the Airbus A350

The Airbus A350 series has two main models. These are the A350-900 and the A350-1000. They meet the needs of different airlines with their sizes and flight ranges.


The A350-900 list price is about $317.4 million. It offers great efficiency and can fly long distances3. Prices might change based on how the airline wants the plane. This is shown in the Airbus pricing guide.


A350 Cost


The A350-1000 is bigger and stronger than the A350-900. It costs more, around $366.5 million4. Even with the higher price, it holds more passengers and flies farther. This makes it a good choice for airlines flying long routes. They also need more seats for their passengers. Normally, new A350-1000 planes are sold for about $160 million5.

The A350-1000 cost has changed a lot over the years. Right now, the newest Airbus A350-1000 costs about $161.08 million. This is 56% less than its price in 20184. These changes show how aircraft prices can change and what affects them. This is all in the Airbus pricing guide.

Real World Cost of the A350

The price of an A350 can be very different from the list price. The final price is set after talking about the different costs. This makes sure both the buyer and seller are happy with it.

Negotiated Prices

Many things can change the price of an A350. Things like how many are bought, how they’re built, and the type of engines in them are key. If an airline buys a lot at once, they might pay less for each one.

How the inside of the plane looks also matters a lot. More fancy setups mean the price can go up. But, these extra costs might be worth it for a more comfortable trip for passengers.

How much A350 Cost

The Airbus A350-900 can fly further than the Boeing 787-9. Plus, it’s lighter and can be cheaper to run, which might make it a better choice. Even though it can cost more upfront than the 787-96.

Factors Influencing Cost

Many things decide the final price of an A350. How much fuel it uses, pay for the crew, and the costs to take off and land add up. And then there are costs for keeping the engines and plane in good shape, plus buying it, parts, and insurance.

Looking at how different planes use fuel on long trips, the A350 often wins. These details help airlines choose the best setup for their needs. So, they can save money and offer great service to passengers.

How much A350 cost

The Airbus A350 cost has two main parts. There’s the starting sum and the upkeep. The basic price for one A350 is $366 million7. But, buying many at once brings huge discounts, maybe up to half off8. This makes the whole deal lower for buyers. When someone wants to get an A350, they often get a personal price quote. This quote considers many things, like the order’s size.

The price covers flying it over time too. The A350’s engines from Rolls-Royce save fuel a lot. They cut CO2 by 25%. This not only helps the planet but saves money in the long run7. This plane can also carry a lot. For example, the A350-900 ULR can haul up to 53.3 tons for very long distances8. This makes it cheap to operate during long flights.

The A350-900 can now carry more weight. This makes every kilogram of payload burn a bit less fuel9. It fits the needs of many airlines well. So, the A350 is a strong pick among other planes.

Take the Etihad A350, for instance. It fits 371 passengers. Most sit in economy, but there’s room for business class too. This design helps reach many kinds of customers and earn more money7. Singapore Airlines has a different setup for their A350-900 ULRs. They’ve got 67 business class and 94 premium economy seats. It shows the many ways airlines can set up their planes based on what they need8.

About 60 to 80 of the A350-900 ULR and HGW types could sell. This shows a smaller but strong interest in these models8. Knowing all the costs and how it will be used helps people see the real value. This way, they can decide better when buying an A350, online or not.

A350 Price Comparison with Competitors

Airbus A350 is compared with Boeing 787 Dreamliner and Boeing 777 Series. Airlines look at these comparisons to make smart fleet choices.

Boeing 787 Dreamliner

The Airbus A350-1000 and the Boeing 787-10 are compared in price and features. The A350-1000 costs more at $355.7 million, with the 787-10 at $338.4 million10. Even though the A350-1000 costs more, it can carry more passengers, up to 480, with the 787-10 holding 44010. The A350-1000 can fly up to 8,700 miles, farther than the 787-10’s 6,330-mile range10.

How much A350 Cost

It has a larger fuel tank, holding 43,325 gallons, more than the 787-10’s 36,384 gallons10, helping it fly farther. The A350-1000 also has stronger engines, up to 97,000 lbf, more than the 787-10’s 76,000 lbf10. Furthermore, it can take off heavier, with a max weight of 351.6 tons, higher than the 787-10’s 280 tons10.

Boeing 777 Series

Focusing on price, the A350-1000 is at $355.7 million. Boeing 777 prices vary, but the A350-1000 competes well10. Yet, the main interest turns to how well they work.

Airlines consider fuel use, space for passengers, and total costs. The A350’s efficient fuel use of 2.39 L/100km per passenger is impressive11. Its strong engines and longer range also make it attractive.

Overall, looking at Airbus and Boeing, the choices are rich. Despite costing more, the A350’s range, fuel tank, and performance are top-notch for long flights and many passengers.

Buying an A350

Looking to buy an A350 can be tricky. It all starts at $317.4 million for the A350-900 and goes to $366.5 million1. But, the actual cost can change. This depends on deals made, buying a lot in one go, and partnerships1.

To get the best A350 deal, think about making it your own and keeping it running well. An A350-900’s price hit $139.2 million, going up by 10.5% in half a year12. The monthly rent for these planes went down by 0.6%, now at an average of $1.001 million12.

The A350 buying guide shows the prices can swing from $110 million to $165 million12. How much you pay depends on the model and what you add12. Talking about discounts for buying a lot or sharing deals with others can help get a good price.

Knowing the latest on the plane market is key. For example, the value of some old Airbus A330-300s is dropping fast. They went down by 21.8% for the eight-year-old ones and 14.5% for the 16-year-old ones12. This news could affect A350 prices too.

Buying an A350 is about more than just the cost. It’s also about staying informed and finding the best way to buy. Look into the market and try to make deals that line up with your future plans.

Operational Cost Analysis of the A350

Knowing the costs of the Airbus A350 helps airlines be more efficient. We will look at how it uses fuel and needs maintenance.

Fuel Efficiency

The A350-900 costs $22.81 for each seat hour13. This cost is good compared to the 787-9, which costs $0.1250 per seat mile6. The A350-900 can fly 665 nautical miles more than the 787-96. This makes it a better choice for flights.

Maintenance Costs

The A350 needs less money for maintenance. It saves about 25% on airframe maintenance costs compared to the A33014. Also, its maintenance is 10% cheaper than the 787-914. These savings make it popular for airlines.

The A350 has 40% fewer maintenance tasks than the A33014. This is because of the materials it uses. These materials are better and help save money on repairs. They also help the A350 work better.

Looking at fuel use and maintenance costs helps understand the A350’s total costs. The A350 is a good choice for airlines that want to save money and be profitable.

The Airbus A350 is loved by many airlines for its cool tech and fuel-saving ways. By December 24, 2023, 578 A350 planes were flying for 44 airlines15. Big names like Singapore Airlines, Qatar Airways, and Cathay Pacific lead the way15. Singapore Airlines has 63 A350 planes, making it the top user15. Qatar Airways got the first A350s, now having 58 in its fleet1516. Cathay Pacific flies 42 A350s, mixing A350-900s and A350-1000s1516.

In the US, Delta Air Lines stands out with its 28 A350s16. Air China and Lufthansa follow with 27 and 22, respectively15. Emirates is set to get 65 by 2024, showing how much airlines want them1516. Ethiopian Airlines leads in Africa, having 20 A350s15.

AirlineNumber of A350 Aircraft
Singapore Airlines63
Qatar Airways58
Cathay Pacific42
Delta Air Lines28
Air China27
Ethiopian Airlines20
Emirates (on order)65

Airlines worldwide keep ordering the A350, showing it’s top of the line. Finnair was first in Europe, and United Airlines ordered 45 more15.


We learn a lot about the Airbus A350 today. Its cost details are very important for those thinking of buying one. The price can change a lot because of how it’s set up and used. If airlines pick the Airbus A350, they get a plane that works great and has the latest features.

This plane can carry from 280 to 366 people and uses less fuel. For example, the A350-900 costs $63 million less than most similar planes and saves $4.97 for every mile flown17. Plus, it costs 25% less to maintain over 15 years18. These points are key when thinking about the Airbus A350 cost.

Airplane prices will change over time because of new technology and needs in the flying world. Airbus aims to make the A350 better and wants to build more by 2018 – 10 per month17. Buying the Airbus A350 now shows airlines are ready for what’s coming in air travel. So, the Airbus A350 plays a big role in the future of how much flying costs and how airlines work.


How much does the Airbus A350 cost?

The base model of the Airbus A350-900 costs $317.4 million. The bigger model, A350-1000, is $366.5 million. Prices vary and can be lower after negotiation and custom changes.

What is the Airbus A350?

The Airbus A350 is a modern, long-range plane. It’s great for saving fuel and made with strong materials. This plane competes with other models like Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner.

What are the list prices of the Airbus A350 models?

The smaller A350-900 costs $317.4 million. The larger A350-1000 is priced at $366.5 million. These are only the starting prices before discussions.

How are real-world costs of the Airbus A350 determined?

The real cost of an A350 is set through private talks. The final cost considers the number of planes ordered and special requests. It can be much less than the starting price.

What factors influence the price of an Airbus A350?

The cost can change based on how many planes are ordered. Special designs, engine picks, and cabin choices also matter. Big orders and partnerships can lower the price.

How much does an A350 cost overall?

The total cost includes buying it, running it, and keeping it up. You can get a lower price by ordering many or by negotiating well.

How does A350 pricing compare with Boeing 787 Dreamliner and 777 Series?

The A350, 787 Dreamliner, and 777 Series are compared in cost and benefits. These details help airlines choose the best plane for their needs and budget.

What should I consider when buying an A350?

Buyers should look at how prices are set, what changes they can make, and the costs to keep the plane flying. Discounts for buying a lot or partnering are also important.

What are the operational costs associated with the A350?

The A350 saves money by using less fuel. Its design and engines help with this. Maintenance and support from Airbus are also factors that lower the costs.

Which airlines are prominent operators of the Airbus A350?

Top airlines using the A350 are Singapore, Qatar, and Delta. This shows the plane is popular worldwide and in high demand.

  1. How Much Do Airbus Aircraft Cost? – https://simpleflying.com/how-much-do-airbus-aircraft-cost/
  2. A350 Family – https://www.airbus.com/en/products-services/commercial-aircraft/passenger-aircraft/a350-family
  3. Boeing is betting big on its upcoming $442 million 777X to compete with the popular Airbus A350. Here’s how the jets compare. – https://www.businessinsider.com/boeing-777x-compared-airbus-a350-differences-widebody-which-better-2024-3
  4. How Much Is An Airbus A350-1000 Worth In 2021? – https://simpleflying.com/airbus-a350-1000-worth-2021/
  5. Aircraft Values: Airbus & Boeing Widebody Aircraft in 2021 – https://www.iba.aero/insight/reviewing-airbus-and-boeing-widebody-aircraft-values-in-2021/
  6. Comparing the Airbus A350-900 and Boeing 787-9 | – https://airinsight.com/comparing-the-airbus-a350-900-and-boeing-787-9/
  7. Etihad just flew its new $366 million Airbus A350 to the US for the first time, shuttling passengers 14 hours from the UAE — see inside – https://www.businessinsider.com/etihads-first–airbus-a350-costs-3665-million-sustainability50-2022-4
  8. How large is the market for the Airbus A350-900 ULR and how much does it cost to operate it? – https://epsilonaviation.wordpress.com/2018/04/28/how-large-is-the-market-for-the-airbus-a350-900ulr-and-how-much-does-it-cost-to-operate-it/
  9. A350-900 now has a 283t MTOW – https://www.airliners.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1473005
  10. The Boeing 787 vs The Airbus A350: Which Plane Is Best? – https://simpleflying.com/boeing-787-vs-the-airbus-a350/
  11. Airbus vs. Boeing – Which Aircraft Offers Most Fuel Efficiency? – https://i6.io/blog/airbus-vs-boeing-which-aircraft-offers-most-fuel-efficiency
  12. A350 prices firm but older A330 values continue to drop | Ishka – https://www.ishkaglobal.com/News/Article/6445/A350-prices-firm-but-older-A330-values-continue-to-drop
  13. Analysis: What Are The Operating Costs Of The Main Widebody Aircraft Families? – https://simpleflying.com/widebody-aircraft-operating-costs-guide/
  14. 08-A/C ANALYSIS-feature – https://www.aircraft-commerce.com/wp-content/uploads/aircraft-commerce-docs/Analysis & Fleet Planning/2015/102_ANALYSIS.pdf
  15. List of Airbus A350 operators – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Airbus_A350_operators
  16. Which Airlines Operate The Airbus A350? A Comprehensive List – https://simpleflying.com/airbus-a350-operators/
  17. What Do We Know About Airbus A350 XWB? – Aviation News – https://aviationvoice.com/what-do-we-know-about-airbus-a350-xwb-201603211004/
  18. Save up to 25% maintenance costs with the A350 – https://aircraft.airbus.com/en/save-up-to-25-maintenance-costs-with-the-a350


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