June 29, 2024

World’s Ugliest Dog Contest: 8 Years Old Pekingese named Wild Thang crowned

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On a special Friday at the Sonoma-Marin Fair in Petaluma, California, Wild Thang won. He is an 8-year-old Pekingese overcoming big health challenges named the World’s Ugliest Dog12. This unique dog won after trying five times. He has a special walk and teeth problems1. Wild Thang comes from Los Angeles and now lives in Oregon with a loving family. He won thanks to his toughness and his owner’s support for dog vaccinations13. Wild Thang’s owner gets $5,000, a year of Mug Root Beer, and a trip to New York City for the Today show on NBC132.

 Wild Thang

Key Takeaways

  • Wild Thang, an 8-year-old Pekingese, won the 2024 World’s Ugliest Dog Contest.
  • Wild Thang had competed five times before finally winning this year.
  • The contest took place at the Sonoma-Marin Fair in Petaluma, California.
  • Wild Thang’s owner, Ann Lewis, will receive a $5,000 prize.
  • The event emphasizes animal adoption and celebrates imperfections in dogs.

The Unique Journey of Wild Thang

Wild Thang is an 8-year-old Pekingese from Coos Bay, Oregon. He has overcome many health challenges. He won the 2024 World’s Ugliest Dog Contest4.

Surviving Distemper

When he was a puppy, Wild Thang fought canine distemper. This left him with no teeth and a hanging tongue4. But, he stayed strong.

Growing Teeth Challenges

Distemper made his teeth grow the wrong way. Even with these challenges, Wild Thang never gave up. His owner Ann Lewis made sure he was still happy and healthy.

World's Ugliest Dog  Wild Thang

Award-Winning Personality

Wild Thang has a special way in pet contests. Everyone loves how he sticks close to people and enjoys lying on ice packs. This made him stand out and win the 2024 contest41.

Ann Lewis got $5,000 for Wild Thang’s win. They also got a year’s supply of Mug Root Beer and a trip to the Today show in New York4. It was a great day because of all their hard work.

A Brief History of the World’s Ugliest Dog Contest

The World’s Ugliest Dog Contest stands out among pet shows. It shines a light on dogs that look a bit different but are still loved. This event mixes heartwarming tales with humor, making it a hit.

Origin and Evolution

In the 1970s, the ugly dog contest was born. It hit its 25th milestone in 2013, marking decades of celebrating unique doggie features5. What started as just a fun event in Sonoma grew fast, bringing fame and fans from everywhere5. People come from all over the U.S. and the world, forming an unmatched group of pups5.

World's Ugliest Dog 2024

Key Highlights Over the Years

The show has had many standout moments. For instance, in 2014, Peanut, a pup that survived abuse, won big, highlighting the moving stories of the competitors5. Then, Martha, a huge Neapolitan Mastiff, took the top spot in 2017, showing the contest’s love for all dog kinds5.

Between 20,000 to 30,000 people visit the event each year, proving its popularity is still increasing5‌. The 2018 contest added a People’s Choice Award, making the fans’ role even more special5. Besides fun, the contest spreads the word about rescuing dogs and the importance of finding them homes6.

The contest paused for two years due to COVID-19 but bounced back strong in 2022, showing it’s here to stay7. Winners get cash, which often goes towards their pets’ health or helping more animals find homes7.

ugly dog competition history

Take Wild Thang, the 2024 winner from Oregon, for example. Winning does more than bring home money. It celebrates these dogs and their owners’ dedication6.

Both the competition and its stars show incredible strength and the power of love for pets6.

Wild Thang’s Life Before the Crown

The story of Wild Thang starts in Los Angeles. There, a special Pekingese was born. This dog would become a champion of being unique.

Born in Los Angeles

Wild Thang’s early life was tough but full of spirit. Living in Los Angeles, he stood out because of his looks and energy. As a young pup, he battled distemper and other health woes. His teeth didn’t grow right, and he could only paddle his right leg3. But, Wild Thang’s unique traits and strong spirit made him different from the others.

Adopted Family in Oregon

Wild Thang found a special family in Oregon. They adopted him and gave him the love he needed to grow. In their care, his unique charm was recognized and supported. This family helped him face health troubles and cheered him on in competitions. In the end, he won the World’s Ugliest Dog Contest, thanks to their love and support8 and3.

Wild Thang’s Path to Victory

Wild Thang, the eight-year-old Pekingese, didn’t win easily9. It took years of trying before he won the 2024 World’s Ugliest Dog contest9. This year, eight dogs joined the contest, showing the many dogs waiting for homes in shelters1.

Wild Thang tried five times before winning this year1. His never-give-up attitude and charm finally made him a champion. It shows how important it is to keep trying, even when it seems hard9.

Wild Thang’s win means a lot. His owner got a $5,000 prize because of their hard work1. Winning took more than just looking different. It needed strength and a good heart. Rome, the second-place pug in a wheelchair, won $3,000. Daisy May, the third-place mixed breed rescue, got $2,0001.

Wild Thang victory

Many dogs, like Chihuahua mixes and Pug mixes, made this year’s contest special1. Even Freddie Mercury, a dog with a unique look, won people’s hearts as Petaluma’s ice cream truck mascot1. Wild Thang taught us to hope and never give up. His win means a lot to all dog lovers.

Details of the 2024 Competition

The 2024 World’s Ugliest Dog Contest was at the famous Sonoma-Marin Fair. It’s a top place, welcomed 20,000 to 30,000 guests yearly during the event10. This time, eight dogs took part in the contest. Unfortunately, two left during the competition11.

Location and Venue: Sonoma-Marin Fair

The Sonoma-Marin Fair was the perfect spot for the contest with its warm vibes. Wild Thang, a Pekingese who’s 8, seized everyone’s hearts. The fair draws many pet lovers, making it just right for this special event.

The Judges and Their Criteria

Judges like Gadi Schwartz and Fiona Ma looked at the dogs’ special features. Wild Thang, known for his long hair and sticking-out tongue, won many people over11. They love it when dogs, especially those from shelters, show their beauty in unique ways. This helps others see how special these dogs are, supporting adoption12.

Sponsors and Cash Prizes

Mug Root Beer made this year’s event more fun by sponsoring it. They gave out big prizes, like $5,000 for the first place11. The winning dog gets to be on their special cans. And, Rome, a 14-year-old pug in a wheelchair, got a nice award too12. Daisy May, a mix, won third and took home $2,00011.

The Role of Ann Lewis in Wild Thang’s Journey

Ann Lewis is from Coos Bay, Oregon, and she is Wild Thang’s proud owner. She helped him win the 2024 World’s Ugliest Dog Contest. Her big heart and strong love for dog vaccinations made a big difference. She not only cared for Wild Thang but also taught others about taking care of pets.

Ann’s Dedication and Support

Ann showed Wild Thang her love from the very start, despite his sickness. Wild Thang faced canine distemper, making him look different with small teeth and a big tongue. Ann kept cheering him on1. After trying five times, they finally won in 2024. This shows their never-give-up spirit6111.

Advocacy for Dog Vaccinations

Ann goes beyond just caring for Wild Thang. She works hard to show others the value of dog vaccinations. Her story with Wild Thang’s overcoming distemper is a lesson for many111. Her strong message reaches many, making her a great voice for pet health worldwide6.

“Ann Lewis’ unwavering support and advocacy for vaccinations have not only propelled Wild Thang to victory but also highlighted critical aspects of pet health.” — Veterinary Wellness Journal

What Made Wild Thang Stand Out

Wild Thang was very special at the World’s Ugliest Dog Contest this year. His mix of funny dog traits won everyone over. Both judges and fans loved him for it.

Waddling Right Leg

Wild Thang’s waddling right leg was quite unique. It got a lot of looks during the contest. Long before, distemper affected his leg, making his walk special1113.

Rogue Tongue

His rogue tongue was always out because of his teeth. It made him charming and unique. This made him a top pick for everyone, from the judges to the crowd.

Unique Appearance

Wild Thang had a face that was both sad and loveable. Many found his appearance and his personality winning. This won over the title for him this year. His owner, Ann Lewis, got a $5,000 prize for his big win111314.

The Impact of the Win on Wild Thang’s Life

Wild Thang won the World’s Ugliest Dog Contest. Now, he’s not just any dog. He’s a famous, celebrated pooch. People love him for his looks and his story of beating hard times. This change has made Wild Thang happy and has given him new chances11.

Newfound Celebrity Status

After his big win, everyone knows Wild Thang. People from all over love his story and his charm. He’s been on TV and famous shows like the Today show. His journey from being rescued to becoming a champion shows that any pet can have a great life.

Fundraising Activities

Wild Thang’s owner, Ann Lewis, is using his fame to help other Pekingese dogs. They are raising money for dogs in need. Their work shows that dogs everywhere should be safe and healthy. Wild Thang’s win has helped shed light on these important dog issues.

Upcoming Appearances

Wild Thang still has a lot to do. He’s going to be at many events and campaigns. These include pet shows and places raising money for good causes. At each event, Wild Thang shows how pets can make a difference in the world. His work helps keep the focus on pet health and saving animals.


What is the World’s Ugliest Dog Contest?

It’s a fun event at the Sonoma-Marin Fair in California. Dogs with unique looks compete for the ‘ugliest dog’ title.

Who won the World’s Ugliest Dog Contest in 2024?

The 2024 winner was Wild Thang, a Pekingese who is 8 years old.

What health challenges did Wild Thang face?

Wild Thang had canine distemper, affecting his teeth and causing his tongue to always stick out.

What unique attributes helped Wild Thang win the contest?

His waddling right leg and his special tongue made him unique. These traits caught everyone’s eye.

How did Wild Thang’s owner, Ann Lewis, contribute to his victory?

His owner, Ann Lewis, was his cheerleader. She talked about the importance of dog vaccines. This helped Wild Thang win.

What is the significance of the World’s Ugliest Dog Contest?

It shows that all dogs are beautiful in their own way. It encourages people to adopt and take good care of pets.

How did Wild Thang’s early life influence his journey to victory?

From Los Angeles to Oregon, a loving family supported him. They helped him through tough times and cheered him on in contests.

What were the key highlights of the 2024 World’s Ugliest Dog Contest?

There were many fun moments, different judges, and Mug Root Beer was a sponsor. There were prizes and winners on the cans.

What role did Wild Thang’s personality play in his success?

His love for people and cool bed choice were important. They showed his friendly and special nature.

How has Wild Thang’s victory impacted his life?

He became famous, helped raise money for good causes, and was on TV. This includes the Today show.

Where did the World’s Ugliest Dog Contest originate and how has it evolved?

It started in Petaluma, California, and grew into a big event. Now, it celebrates the beauty of all dogs.
  1. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c511n9nqwd1o – World’s ugliest dog contest won by Wild Thang
  2. https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/wild-thang-wins-worlds-ugliest-dog-contest-in-petaluma/ – Wild Thang wins world’s ugliest dog contest in Petaluma
  3. https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/animalkind/2024/06/22/worlds-ugliest-dog-contest-winner-wild-thang/74180496007/ – World’s ugliest dog? Meet Wild Thang, the 8-year-old Pekingese who took the 2024 crown
  4. https://cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/wild-thang-wins-worlds-ugliest-dog-contest-in-petaluma/ – Wild Thang wins world’s ugliest dog contest in Petaluma
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World’s_Ugliest_Dog_Contest – World’s Ugliest Dog Contest
  6. https://time.com/6990939/worlds-ugliest-dog-contest-2024-winner-wild-thang-pictures/ – Meet the 2024 Winner of the ‘World’s Ugliest Dog’ Contest
  7. https://people.com/pets/the-ugliest-dogs-in-the-world/ – From Mr. Happy Face to Zsa Zsa: See the 17 Ugliest Dogs in the World Ever
  8. https://www.aol.com/worlds-ugliest-dog-meet-wild-171123763.html – World’s ugliest dog? Meet Wild Thang, the 8-year-old Pekingese who took the 2024 crown
  9. https://www.wsbradio.com/entertainment/photos-worlds/OBZIZWQME5GPXBQR55LPJBXYEM/ – Photos: World’s ugliest dog 2024
  10. https://nationaltoday.com/ugliest-dog-day/ – Ugliest Dog Day
  11. https://www.npr.org/2024/06/22/nx-s1-5016281/wild-thang-pekingese-winner-2024-world-ugliest-dog-contest – Super fluffy 8-year-old Pekingese Wild Thang wins 2024 World’s Ugliest Dog contest
  12. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-23/pekingese-wild-thang-wins-worlds-ugliest-dog-contest-in-2024/104012340 – Perennial ‘bridesmaid’ Wild Thang crowned world’s ugliest dog on fifth attempt
  13. https://metro.co.uk/2024/06/22/meet-winner-worlds-ugliest-dog-competition-21086107/ – World’s Ugliest Dog contest won by 8-year-old ‘Wild Thang’
  14. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c511n9nqwd1o – World’s ugliest dog contest won by Wild Thang


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