July 8, 2024

Nvidia surpasses Apple to become the world’s second-most valuable company.

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Nvidia has jumped ahead of Apple to claim the second spot in global value12. With its market capitalization now over $3 trillion, it proves its dominance2. This success came when Nvidia’s share prices hit $1,224.402.

This year, Apple’s stock has been sluggish, up only 5%. In comparison, Nvidia has seen its shares more than double1. This rapid growth has put Nvidia nearly on par with Apple’s market value1.

Nvidia made an important move by announcing a 10-for-1 stock split. This will make owning Nvidia stock more affordable for both employees and investors. The shift in position reflects a changing global market and shows trust in Nvidia’s future12.

Key Takeaways

  • Nvidia’s market capitalization has soared past $3 trillion.
  • The company’s shares closed at $1,224.40, boosting its market cap to $3.012 trillion.
  • Apple’s stock performance has seen only a 5 percent increase this year.
  • Nvidia’s share value has more than doubled over the past year.
  • A 10-for-1 stock split was announced by Nvidia.

The Rise of Nvidia’s Market Capitalization

Nvidia’s market capitalization recently jumped over $3 trillion. This achievement placed the company second in America’s most valuable list3. It happened after Nvidia’s stock rose by 5.2%, reaching $1,224.40 per share3. Within 96 days, Nvidia’s value moved from $2 trillion to over $3 trillion. This surpasses the time it took Apple and Microsoft to reach similar values3.

Stock Performance in Recent Months

This year, Nvidia’s stock has more than doubled in value, with even more growth the year before. This impressive climb highlights Nvidia’s strong presence in the GPU market3. It also shows the company’s lead in bringing ray tracing tech to gaming laptops. Now, analysts predict the stock could reach $1,5003.

Factors Contributing to the Surge

Nvidia’s stock’s growth is due to several major factors. The company’s revenue shot up by 260% in the past year. This shows Nvidia’s success in the AI market, with big demand from companies like Microsoft and Google2.

Additionally, Nvidia’s stock is priced competitively. Its shares trade for less than 1x the PEG ratio, beating the industry average. This has caught the eye of many investors3. Plus, as the world’s data centers expand, needing around $500 billion yearly, Nvidia’s position strengthens even more3.

Apple’s Struggles in the AI Race

Apple faces big challenges in the fast-changing artificial intelligence world. Despite its strong history in technology, it struggles with slowing iPhone sales in China and a fine from the EU that hurt its stocks4. These issues allowed Nvidia to beat Apple in market value, signaling a change in the competitive AI race4.

Apple is also struggling with the perception that it’s behind in artificial intelligence. This image is not helping its market value2. Nvidia, on the other hand, has surged past a $3 trillion market cap, showing its strength against Apple54. Many worry about Apple’s future against such powerful AI companies2.

AI race

To improve, Apple is teaming up with OpenAI, led by Sam Altman. It plans to reveal new AI products, possibly including a better Siri, at the Worldwide Developers Conference in June5. This move aims to help Apple catch up in the artificial intelligence field. However, it’s uncertain if these efforts will bring back Apple’s leading role.

Nvidia’s Dominance in the AI Semiconductor Market

Nvidia is at the top in the AI semiconductor market, with a huge 70% share of sales. This has pushed its market value over $3.019 trillion6. Its success is mainly because of products like Geforce, leading in GPU tech.

Market Share and Key Products

Nvidia rules the AI chip market with an 80% share globally7. This places Nvidia ahead in AI and high-performance computing. The Geforce series keeps setting new standards with its powerful GPUs and AI features.

Future Prospects and Analyst Predictions

The future looks bright for Nvidia. It’s already worth more than tech giants like Apple and Microsoft6. Analysts predict Nvidia could even outrank Microsoft soon. This is because Nvidia sees big chances in the AI market and has smart strategies.

Nvidia’s stock price jumped 262% in just one year, from around $242 to $875 a share7. This growth shows there’s big interest in what Nvidia is working on. It suggests a major change towards more AI-focused tech and growth.

SANTA CLARA, CA – MAY 10: A sign is posted in front of the Nvidia headquarters on May 10, 2018 in Santa Clara, California. Nvidia Corporation will report first quarter earnings today after the closing bell. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Impact on the Gaming Industry

Nvidia has changed the game with its graphics tech. Their focus on better performance and cool features is a big boost for the gaming world. They are key in gaming tech advancements and play a major role in the sector.

Role of Nvidia’s Graphics Cards

Nvidia graphics cards are now a must-have for gaming. Since the launch of the GeForce 256 in 1999, Nvidia has led the way in GPUs. They deliver top-notch performance in everything from laptops to powerful gaming PCs, often outclassing competitors8. New features like ray tracing make games look and feel more real, adding a lot to the gaming experience.

Advancements in Gaming Technology

Nvidia is not just about graphics cards. Their GPUs are known as the best for PC games, beating competitors in tests8. The launch of Omniverse in August 2023 is another step. This AI-powered platform improves game development using cloud tools, making games more realistic. It includes smart characters that make game worlds feel alive, showing Nvidia’s commitment to better gaming9.

Nvidia graphics cards for gaming industry

In addition to graphics, Nvidia is pushing into AI, data centers, and self-driving cars8. This move expands their tech impact, showing their growth in the gaming world. As the game industry changes, Nvidia keeps pushing the limits of gaming tech, always leading with new ideas.

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Nvidia’s Growth

Nvidia’s growth is directly linked to Artificial Intelligence. Its AI chip platforms lead in advancements across sectors.

AI Chip Platforms

Nvidia’s Rubin AI Chip Platform shows the company’s ongoing innovation in AI chips. These chips are key to Nvidia’s growth and industry transformations. Nvidia’s GPUs speed up machine learning across sectors, marking them as must-haves in the AI age10.

Collaborations with Tech Giants

Nvidia’s big growth comes from tech partnerships with leaders. It has heavily invested in ARM Holdings, Recursion Pharmaceuticals, and SoundHound AI. This shows Nvidia’s broad plan to boost its AI reach. Nvidia’s GPUs and AI chips are vital in team projects, making a strong impact in tech10.

PartnersInvestmentAI Market Influence
ARM Holdings1.96 million sharesEnhanced AI Chip Capabilities
Recursion Pharmaceuticals7.7 million sharesAdvanced AI in Healthcare
SoundHound AI6.6 million sharesInnovations in Voice AI
Nano-X Imaging59,000 sharesAI-Driven Medical Imaging

These partnerships help Nvidia showcase its GPUs for AI uses. This keeps Nvidia strong in the AI market1011.

Comparison with Microsoft: The World’s Most Valuable Company

Nvidia is gaining ground on Microsoft, the current top company worldwide. Microsoft’s value stands at $3.15 trillion12. Nvidia’s value is now at $3.012 trillion, coming very close12. This surge shows Nvidia quickly catching up in the tech world.

Nvidia’s stock rose by 5.2% to $1,224.40, boosting its worth12. With this growth, Nvidia might beat Microsoft’s value soon12. This shows how strong Nvidia is, and investors believe in its future success12. It also points to the growing power of tech companies like Nvidia.

world's most valuable company
  • Nvidia’s market cap surged to $3.012 trillion, coming close to Microsoft’s $3.15 trillion12.
  • With a big 147% stock increase in 2024, Nvidia gained nearly $150 billion in just one day12.
  • The PHLX chip index, which features Nvidia, went up 4.5%, reflecting a strong tech sector12.

Comparing Nvidia to Apple shows how quickly the tech world can change. Nvidia is in the lead for AI chips. It’s using this to compete with big names. This is not just about Microsoft’s size. It also shows Nvidia’s leadership in making new tech.

Investor Reaction and Stock Market Trends

Nvidia has seen a big jump in the stock market. This has made investors very excited about future trends. The main reason for all this excitement is Nvidia’s recent stock split.

Stock Split and Its Implications

Nvidia decided on a 10-for-1 stock split. This move makes it easier for regular people to own shares, too. Investors are loving this decision, showing a positive trend in big tech companies taking major steps.

Analyst Recommendations

Experts think Nvidia is in a great spot, especially in AI chips. It just reached $22.1 billion in revenue, up 22% from the last quarter and 265% from a year ago13. Recently, Nvidia’s value went over $2 trillion14. This proves investors are very hopeful and the market is strong for Nvidia.

Nvidia made $12.3 billion just in one quarter, up by 33% from before and 769% over last year13. These high earnings show analysts they’re right to recommend investing in Nvidia. The focus on AI chips promises future growth and new tech.

Nvidia’s New Product Announcements

Nvidia is ramping up its tech game, ready to unveil new products. It’s clear the company is all about improving AI and making data centers better.

Introduction to Rubin AI Chip Platform

The world is waiting for the Rubin AI Chip Platform, ready to launch in 2026. It’s going to make data centers more powerful and efficient. This new platform from Nvidia will boost performance for AI tasks and data-heavy jobs like never before.

Features of Blackwell Chip for Data Chefs

Nvidia’s also preparing the Blackwell Chip for release. Aimed at data centers, it’s being called the most powerful chip in the world. This chip will up the game for AI in data centers, making complex tasks smooth as butter.

Nvidia’s Blackwell Chip is proof of their creativity. It marks a huge AI tech step forward in data centers.

The Rubin AI Chip Platform and Blackwell Chip show how serious Nvidia is about AI. These advances lift up the AI tech world, make data centers top-notch, and set new performance records. Nvidia is staying ahead in AI with these game-changers.

Technological Innovations Driving Nvidia’s Success

Nvidia is making huge strides by constantly coming up with new tech ideas. At a big tech conference, thousands saw how these innovations are changing things15. Especially, Nvidia’s GPUs are making games more real with things like ray tracing. They make gaming laptops and more look and feel amazing15.

Nvidia is leading in making chips for AI, owning 70% of that market16. It’s not stopping there. They have new platforms coming out, like Rubin, and one on the way called Blackwell. These will keep getting better each year15.

Working with big names like AMD and Intel on projects like MGX shows how much they value teaming up15. These projects lead to better AI systems, using Nvidia chips, and other tech from top brands in Taiwan, like ASUS and GIGABYTE15.

Nvidia is all about AI and works on many things from AI for art to robots. Their Isaac platform has pre-programmed over 5 million robots worldwide15. They want to bring AI into many fields. This shows they want to lead in AI and GPU tech.

Nvidia has nearly 700 products powered by AI, including 200 laptops made for gaming. These releases show how Nvidia is reshaping gaming and AI15. They keep on surprising us with new tech ideas.

Impact on Broader Technology Sector

Nvidia’s impressive growth is changing the tech world. It’s a big part of why stocks like the S&P 500 and Nasdaq are hitting record highs. This success shows people have big hopes for tech and are investing in it.

S&P 500 and Nasdaq Indexes

Nvidia’s strong performance boosts the S&P 500 and Nasdaq. After its fourth-quarter earnings were better than expected17, Nvidia’s stock jumped over 15%. This shows how important Nvidia is to the tech world, making the whole market better. With tech stocks doing well, the Nasdaq 100 went up more than 1.5%17.

Future Market Expectations

The market’s hopes for Nvidia are high. People expect the need for AI to help tech companies continue to grow. Companies like Alphabet, Microsoft, and Meta Platforms are doing well too, seeing gains between 0.50% and 4%17. Nvidia’s first-quarter revenue is expected to hit around $24 billion, which makes people even more optimistic17. This means Nvidia’s growth is crucial for the future of the technology sector. It’s likely Nvidia will keep leading the way, boosting confidence and encouraging new ideas.

CompanyMarket InfluenceRecent Performance
NvidiaHighStock surged over 15%17
AlphabetModerateGains up to 4%17
MicrosoftModerateGains up to 4%17
Meta PlatformsModerateGains up to 4%17


Nvidia has climbed to be the world’s number two company, trading places with Apple18. It has achieved this thanks to its innovation and strategic moves. It has powered itself up into the top tier of technology companies1819. This change highlights Nvidia’s powerful influence and its important role in the future of AI and computer technology.

Nvidia is known for its CUDA technology, which makes computers work faster than ever18. This tech has been a game-changer in fields like research and medicine. Their GPUs help process HD video quickly, used in many surgeries and robots18. These advances show how much Nvidia is dedicated to making technology better.

Furthermore, Nvidia keeps leading with new GPU and AI chip solutions. The GeForce series and newer AI chips are key to its success1819. Although it’s not yet surpassed Microsoft, tech fans are excited. They want to see what Nvidia will do next to shake up the AI semiconductor and tech world.


How did Nvidia become the world’s second-most valuable company?

Nvidia grew to over trillion through a strong rise in stock. It led in the AI sector and saw high revenue growth. Its market value surged.

What factors contributed to the recent surge in Nvidia’s stock performance?

The AI industry’s key player, Nvidia, saw a stock jump. This was thanks to its popular AI chips and powerful GPU tech. Also, a 10-for-1 stock split helped.

Why is Apple struggling in the AI race?

Apple has had troubles in the AI race. Slow iPhone sales in China and AI tech perceptions have hit it. These issues also affected its stock.

What are Nvidia’s key products in the AI semiconductor market?

Nvidia shines in the AI semiconductor market. It’s known for Geforce GPUs, the Rubin AI Chip Platform, and the Blackwell Chip made for data centers.

How has Nvidia impacted the gaming industry?

Nvidia changed gaming with top-notch graphic cards. Their Geforce series has ray tracing tech. This makes gaming better on laptops and other devices.

What role does artificial intelligence play in Nvidia’s growth?

AI is key for Nvidia’s growth. The company’s AI chip platforms and ties with big names built its AI tech leadership. This helped boost Nvidia.

How does Nvidia compare to Microsoft in terms of market valuation?

Nvidia’s value is catching up to Microsoft. It might top Microsoft with good stock trends. Its market cap grows close to .15 trillion.

What has been the investor reaction to Nvidia’s stock split?

Investors liked Nvidia’s 10-for-1 split. It makes shares cheaper for everyone. This helps more people own stock and join the market.

What are some of Nvidia’s recent product announcements?

Nvidia’s new Rubin AI Chip Platform comes out in 2026. The Blackwell Chip, for powerful data centers, was also announced. It shows Nvidia’s leadership in AI tech.

How have technological innovations driven Nvidia’s success?

Technological leaps fueled Nvidia’s growth. From top GPUs for gaming to AI chip advances, Nvidia stays ahead. These innovations boost its position.

What impact has Nvidia had on the broader technology sector?

Nvidia’s growth boosted the tech sector broadly. It helped reach record highs in S&P 500 and Nasdaq. Nvidia’s impact could shape future market trends.

Source Links

  1. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/nvidia-surpasses-apple-become-2nd-042942454.html
  2. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/nvidia-verge-overtaking-apple-no-181607211.html
  3. https://www.investopedia.com/nvidia-usd3-trillion-market-cap-8658929
  4. https://www.siliconvalley.com/2024/06/06/nvidia-tops-3-trillion-in-value-leapfrogging-past-apple/
  5. https://ca.news.yahoo.com/apples-efforts-dominate-ai-arms-075446916.html
  6. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/nvidias-ai-chip-dominance-continue-210200974.html
  7. https://www.marketplace.org/2024/03/08/what-you-need-to-know-about-nvidia-and-the-ai-chip-arms-race
  8. https://medium.com/generaltrends/exploring-the-impact-of-nvidia-a0dcc7ce0fd4
  9. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/artificial-intelligence-gaming-market-impact-nvidias-mvzuf
  10. https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/glossary/artificial-intelligence/
  11. https://www.plus500.com/en/instruments/nvda/nvidia-artificial-intelligence-contributions~2
  12. https://www.aol.com/nvidia-overtakes-apple-becomes-world-161840975.html
  13. https://investor.nvidia.com/news/press-release-details/2024/NVIDIA-Announces-Financial-Results-for-Fourth-Quarter-and-Fiscal-2024/
  14. https://www.investopedia.com/how-an-earnings-fueled-move-in-nvidia-stock-price-could-affect-the-broader-market-8652271
  15. https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/computex-2024-jensen-huang/
  16. https://variety.com/2024/digital/news/jensen-huang-nvidia-is-leading-tech-innovation-and-changing-the-world-1235991825/
  17. https://capex.com/eu/overview/tech-stocks-soar-as-nvidia-smashes-earnings-expectations
  18. https://www.nvidia.com/content/GTC/posters/27_Dowsey_A_Real_Time_Simulation_Guidance_and_Visualization.pdf
  19. https://www.anandtech.com/show/1212/16
  20. https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2024/6/6/nvidia-overtakes-apple-to-become-worlds-second-most-valuable-company


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