July 8, 2024

Pop singer Halsey says she is ‘lucky to be alive’ amid health struggles

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Halsey, the biracial pop singer and songwriter, has shared her health journey. She’s known for hits like “Without Me” and albums such as “Badlands.” Recently, she spoke about fighting lupus and other diseases. In an Instagram post, she said she feels “lucky to be alive” despite these challenges1.

Aside from lupus, Halsey has these health issues: postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and others2. Even with her health battles, Halsey keeps making music. She’s writing an album reflecting on her journey. She mentioned the Lupus Research Alliance and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society in her post too1.

Lupus makes the immune system harm the body. It causes inflammation and severe pain for Halsey. She described the pain as feeling like an “old lady”1. Her post about her health got over a million likes. Fans showed their love and support in the comments. Singer Rita Ora, along with others, also sent their good wishes online21.

New music from her 5th album is coming soon. Halsey shared a sneak peek with an update on her health. This adds a deep meaning to the album’s debut2. Also, she plans to help leukemia and lupus research with her latest single’s earnings. The Lupus Research Alliance praised her for sharing and congratulated her music1.

Halsey’s fans admire her honesty about dealing with chronic illness. They’ve stood up against rumors and support her. Even with the health struggles, Halsey stays strong in creating music. She aims to inspire those facing similar challenges1.

Key Takeaways

  • Halsey, a biracial pop singer and songwriter, has opened up about her struggles with lupus and other health conditions.
  • The singer feels “lucky to be alive” despite the challenges and has written an album about her health battles.
  • Halsey has received an outpouring of support from fans, friends, and fellow artists on social media.
  • The singer plans to donate a portion of the proceeds from her latest single to lupus and leukemia research organizations.
  • Halsey remains determined to continue creating music and inspiring others facing similar health struggles.

Halsey’s recent health revelations

Lately, Halsey, the pop singer, has been open about her health battles. She talks about how hard it is to balance a music career with these issues. Her new song “The End,” out on June 4, talks about the pain she’s been through. It was part of a five-picture set on Instagram, showing both her physical and emotional struggles3.

Multiple diagnoses and chronic illnesses

Halsey shares she’s dealing with several chronic illnesses. These include endometriosis, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Sjögren’s syndrome, mast cell activation syndrome, and POTS3. She’s also looking into the possibility of another autoimmune disease3. These health issues really affect her life and health in a big way.

Endometriosis is very painful. It happens when tissue like the one in your uterus grows outside it. This can lead to severe pain and maybe issues with having kids. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome affects your connective tissues, making joints too flexible and skin stretchy. Sjögren’s syndrome is when your immune system attacks the moisture-making parts of your body. This can cause dry eyes and mouth, tiredness, and joint pain.

Impact on her personal life and career

Halsey’s health problems go beyond just affecting her body. They’ve changed her personal life and career. She’s had more than one loss during pregnancy and had to have surgeries because of her illnesses. Still, she’s strong and keeps making music for her fans.

Recently, Halsey said she became allergic to many things after having a baby in 20213. This new challenge makes her life even harder. But, she keeps going strong in her music career.

“I’m exhausted and I’m depressed, but I’m here and I’m alive.” – Halsey

Halsey talking about her health struggle has touched many fans. One person shared how they felt a connection to her song “The End,” talking about chronic illness after giving birth3. Sharing her story has helped spread the word about these illnesses and has encouraged others to take care of themselves.

A closer look at Halsey’s journey

Halsey, whose real name is Ashley Nicolette Frangipane, has won hearts with her mix of alternative pop music and personal lyrics. She grew up in New Jersey and quickly rose to fame. Her journey is full of big wins and tough battles.

Early Life and Rise to Fame

In New Jersey, Halsey found her love for music early. She started out on YouTube, singing cover songs. Her first EP, “Room 93,” came out in October 20144. People didn’t really notice it at first.

But Halsey didn’t give up. She released “Badlands,” her debut album, in August 20155. It’s a concept album about a future world. “Badlands” quickly hit No. 2 on the Billboard 2004, showing Halsey’s star power.

Halsey's rise to fame

Her fresh music and ideas led to big collaborations. Her song with The Chainsmokers, “Closer,” stayed at No. 1 for 12 weeks and went Diamond4. “Hopeless Fountain Kingdom” topped the Billboard 200 in 2017, proving her success4. Plus, “Without Me” became a No. 1 hit on the Billboard Hot 100, showing her talent4.

Balancing Health Challenges with a Successful Music Career

Despite her music career taking off, Halsey faced huge health issues. She’s been very open about her battle with endometriosis6. This condition has been hard on her, but she keeps making music that fans love.

In making “Badlands,” Halsey worked with little-known producers. Together, they made a unique sound that takes listeners to a different world5. She learned a lot about making music and defended her ideas strongly, even when others doubted them5.

Dealing with her health and making great music has been tough. Halsey’s work has earned her three Grammy nominations6. Her album “If I Can’t Have Love, I Want Power” reached the top 26. Even with health struggles, she keeps putting out music that charts well6.

Halsey’s story is about beating hard times with hard work and hope. By sharing her story and helping others understand some hard conditions, she inspires others6. Her journey shows that with hope and hard work, big dreams are possible.

Understanding Halsey’s health conditions

Pop singer Halsey talks openly about her fight with several health problems. She deals with endometriosis, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Sjogren’s, MCAS, and POTS7.

Endometriosis and Its Effects

Endometriosis is very painful. It happens when tissue like the one inside the uterus grows outside. This can lead to a lot of pain and might cause problems with having children. Halsey talks about how it has affected her life, especially her battle with other autoimmune issues7.

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Its Impact on Daily Life

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is a group of issues that affect the body’s connective tissues. It can cause more flexible joints, stretchier skin, and other problems7. Dealing with this can make every day hard, bringing on chronic pain and making it tough to move around.

Ehlers-Danlos syndromeJoint hypermobility, skin hyperelasticity, chronic pain, mobility issues
Sjogren’s syndromeDry eyes and mouth, fatigue, joint pain
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)Mast cells release excess substances, causing allergy symptoms
Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS)Affects blood flow, causing dizziness, fainting, and rapid heartbeat

Other Diagnoses and Their Implications

Besides the conditions above, Halsey also has Sjogren’s, which makes her eyes and mouth dry. It also brings on fatigue and joint pain. She’s diagnosed with MCAS and POTS too7.

These health problems really affect Halsey’s life. But, she’s very strong and keeps making music. She fights hard to stay healthy while following her musical dreams7.

Halsey’s advocacy for chronic illness awareness

Halsey works hard to raise awareness for chronic illnesses. She shines a light on endometriosis, which affects about 1 in 10 women in the United States and 176 million globally. It mainly strikes people between 25-35 years old8. Telling her own story, Halsey is in good company with others like Whoopi Goldberg and Lena Dunham. They address the myths around this condition8.

Endometriosis is a top reason many women can’t have children9. Halsey talks openly about her difficulties with it. She mentions long-lasting pain, heavy periods, fatigue, and struggles with infertility and sex pain. This openness helps break down the shame and encourages others to get help8.

“I have endometriosis. I’ve had 3 miscarriages, 4 surgeries, pretty much in pain every day of my life, and I’ve donated/raised upwards of $300,000 in the name of research and support. I’m not trying to be quirky. Or different. I’m just trying to normalize an underdiscussed illness.” – Halsey

Halsey’s work goes beyond just talking about endometriosis. She helps organizations that research and support those with the disease. One event she was active in is the Ninth Annual Blossom Ball. Tickets for this special dinner cost $750 for individuals and start at $10,000 for tables9.

Her efforts aim for early diagnosis and prevention of endometriosis8. Halsey also points out that many doctors aren’t well-trained about the disease in medical school. This lack of knowledge can lead to long delays in getting the right help9.

Halsey’s advocacy is a good example of how stars can use their influence for good. By sharing and caring for others with similar struggles, she makes discussions about chronic illnesses more welcoming. She brings hope to those fighting quietly.

The importance of self-care and support systems

Halsey practices self-care and receives support

Halsey talks openly about how self-care and support help in handling her health. She faces many chronic illnesses and sees the value in caring for herself. This includes taking time off and reaching out for help when necessary10.

Self-care boosts focus, cuts down on frustration and anger, and adds to your joy. It also lowers the risk of chronic diseases and keeps your immune system strong10.

Halsey’s Approach to Managing Her Health

Halsey rests a lot and makes sure her body and mind are doing well. She leans on a group of people who offer strong support. This has helped her feel better about herself and stay tough mentally10.

To chill, Halsey gets creative. This cuts her stress and lifts her spirits10. Her daily self-care boosts her positivity, helping her tackle life’s hurdles head-on10.

The Role of Family, Friends, and Fans in Providing Support

Halsey credits her loved ones and fans for backing her through it all. Their support is crucial in managing her conditions and staying well. She even started Self-Care Sundays, which have shown to ease anxiety and sadness10.

These breaks are key for a healthier work-life balance and tackling stress10. In the long run, focusing on self-care and having a strong support group keeps your mind in good shape10. Halsey’s story shows how vital it is to care for yourself and turn to others when in need.

Halsey’s resilience and determination

Pop singer Halsey has shown amazing resilience and determination in her music career. She faced health issues like endometriosis, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and other chronic illnesses. Despite these, she kept making music and inspiring her fans. She’s in the company of resilient figures like Oprah Winfrey, Walt Disney, and J.K. Rowling11.

Overcoming Obstacles and Continuing to Create Music

Halsey didn’t let health problems stop her from singing. She turned her tough times into songs and kept going. Her journey reminds us of Thomas Edison and Michael Jordan. They also faced tough times but didn’t give up11.

Inspiring Others Facing Similar Challenges

By sharing her health story, Halsey encourages fans with similar problems. She proves you can reach your goals even if you face obstacles. Her story shares a message of hope with others, much like famous leaders like Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, and Marie Curie11. She believes in the power of personal and group efforts to make real change11.

“I think that my resilience comes from believing that I am capable of overcoming anything, no matter how hard it is.” – Halsey

Halsey’s journey teaches us to tackle challenges, keep learning, and support each other. Her example is an important lesson in facing hard times. She shows how we can grow both alone and together by facing difficulties11.

TraitExamplesHalsey’s Embodiment
ResilienceNelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Marie Curie11Continues to create music despite health challenges
DeterminationThomas Edison, Michael Jordan11Refuses to let obstacles define her career
InspirationOprah Winfrey, Walt Disney, J.K. Rowling11Openly shares her journey to inspire others facing similar challenges

The intersection of creativity and health struggles

Halsey’s songs reflect on the meeting of creativity and health battles. She uses her struggle with illnesses like endometriosis to fuel her art. Through her music, she shares deeply personal stories that many find relatable.

At the New York Women’s March in 2018, Halsey used rhyming to turn her speech into poetry12. This style added a creative edge to her powerful message about women’s rights12. Her stories about fighting illness hit home with many, showing the power of sharing personal struggles12.

How Halsey’s Experiences Influence Her Music and Lyrics

Halsey’s health challenges deeply shape her songs. Tunes like “Without Me” and “Nightmare” touch on pain, but also resilience. By putting her emotions into music, she helps others feel understood.

“I’ve been open about my struggles with reproductive health and about my struggles with mental health, and it’s about time that I was able to be as open about the physical health and the toll that it’s taken.” – Halsey

Halsey’s music helps people connects with others facing similar challenges. It’s a source of comfort and strength for both her and her fans.

AlbumSongs Influenced by Health Struggles
Badlands (2015)Control, Hold Me Down
Hopeless Fountain Kingdom (2017)100 Letters, Devil in Me
Manic (2020)Ashley, 929, More

Halsey’s albums are filled with songs inspired by her health journey. This shows how her creativity is tied to overcoming hardships. Her music not only expresses her struggles but also uplifts others going through the same.

Breaking stigmas surrounding chronic illnesses

Halsey is open about her health journey, tackling the stigmas of chronic illnesses. She talks about endometriosis, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and more. This openness helps others know it’s fine to discuss their health and seek support.

Halsey’s candidness on her health struggles promotes an open and supportive talk about chronic illnesses. Others are encouraged to look after their well-being without feeling ashamed of their situation.

Halsey’s openness about her health journey

Halsey’s openness has been key in making chronic illnesses known. She discusses her bipolar disorder and endometriosis struggle. Even after miscarriages, she didn’t shy away from talking about it. In a 2015 concert in Chicago, she continued to perform after a miscarriage, and later visited a Planned Parenthood clinic.

In doing so, Halsey helps make conversations about chronic diseases and mental health — open and common. This helps reduce the shame often attached to these issues.

Encouraging others to seek help and support

Halsey does more than tell her story. She actively pushes others to get help with their health problems. In 2017, she supported a mental health and suicide prevention campaign by Entercom radio network13. At the 2018 Women’s March, she shared her sexual assault story in a poem titled “Story of Mine,” urging others to speak up and get help too13.

By using her influence to advocate for better mental health help, Halsey inspires others. She helps build a supportive environment for those with chronic illnesses, removing barriers from seeking support14.


What health conditions has Halsey been diagnosed with?

Halsey deals with endometriosis, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and Sjogren’s syndrome. These conditions greatly impact her life and work.

How has Halsey’s health struggles impacted her music career?

Halsey shows amazing inner strength in her music work, despite health hurdles. She keeps creating and performing, even with chronic pain. These experiences deeply shape her songs, focusing on pain, strength, and taking control.

What is Halsey’s approach to managing her health?

Self-care and good support are key for Halsey in handling her health. She values rest, gets medical help, and leans on her family, friends, and fans.

How has Halsey used her platform to raise awareness about chronic illnesses?

Halsey fiercely supports chronic illness awareness using her fame. She shares her own story to urge others to seek help and support. Her work tackles the negative views connected to chronic illnesses.

What role have Halsey’s fans played in her health journey?

Halsey’s fans offer her significant emotional support in her health struggles. By sharing her story, she uplifts others, proving dreams can come true despite health challenges.

How has Halsey’s biracial identity influenced her music and advocacy?

Being biracial, Halsey often talks about identity, fair representation, and social fairness. These experiences deeply influence her music, advocacy, and efforts to highlight issues within minority groups.
  1. https://7news.com.au/entertainment/celebrity/popular-singer-halsey-announces-shock-illness-lucky-to-be-alive–c-14918308
  2. https://www.express.co.uk/celebrity-news/1907511/halsey-health-battle-illness-lupus-leukemia-new-single
  3. https://clutchpoints.com/halsey-drops-new-single-the-end-a-somber-narration-for-pain
  4. https://www.billboard.com/music/pop/halsey-manic-career-recap-8548319/
  5. https://www.popjustice.com/articles/halsey-interview-i-dont-believe-people-who-say-theyre-themselves-all-the-time/
  6. https://www.billboard.com/music/pop/halsey-the-end-stream-1235699982/
  7. https://people.com/health/halsey-is-celebrating-recent-health-diagnoses-after-being-called-crazy/
  8. https://www.upworthy.com/tag/halsey
  9. https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/halsey-to-be-honored-at-the-endometriosis-foundation-of-america-blossom-ball-on-march-19-1017300663
  10. https://www.unpluggedessentials.com/7-fascinating-facts-about-self-care-sundays-for-a-healthier
  11. https://medium.com/@fayaz_king/ordinary-people-extraordinary-challenges-the-true-essence-of-greatness-fed66b754ff5
  12. https://digital.library.txst.edu/bitstreams/85cf1ae2-216e-482a-af88-74c03a3ee8b6/download
  13. https://www.orchidrecoverycenter.com/blog/halsey-bipolar-disorder/
  14. https://www.revolt.tv/article/2018-05-01/95873/13-artists-who-are-keeping-it-real-about-their-mental-health-issues
  15. https://www.nbcnews.com/pop-culture/pop-culture-news/halsey-health-issues-social-media-song-release-end-rcna155483


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