June 26, 2024

Muslims celebrate Eid al-Adha amidst ongoing conflict in Gaza involving Israel.

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In the summer of 2023, the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha in Gaza was celebrated with big family gatherings and sharing. People also gave away clothes to kids. But, things look very different this year. The war between Israel and Hamas changed everything. Now, many are living in tents and eating canned food. They can’t enjoy the traditional holiday cheer1.

The Eid celebrations in Gaza are really hard hit this year. People are going hungry and have to leave their homes. More than a million might not have enough to eat soon1. Instead of unity, this Eid shows a big shortage of food, water, and essentials.

Eid al-Adha gaza

Key Takeaways

  • Eid al-Adha celebrations in Gaza have been significantly impacted by the ongoing conflict with Israel1.
  • Many families in Gaza are currently living in tents and relying on canned food1.
  • Nearly half of Gaza’s population faces severe food shortages and potential starvation in the coming weeks1.
  • The once joyous occasion of Eid al-Adha now highlights the severe humanitarian crisis in the region1.
  • The essential spirit of Eid is being maintained by Gazans despite the challenges posed by personal losses and infrastructure destruction.

Background of Eid al-Adha

Eid al-Adha is known as the “Feast of the Sacrifice.” It’s a huge Islamic holiday. Muslims worldwide celebrate it. It marks the time when Prophet Ibrahim was ready to sacrifice his son, following Allah’s command. Before the sacrifice, Allah provided a ram as a substitute. This heartfelt story is shared in Jewish and Christian traditions too2.

Eid al-Adha

Eid al-Adha’s Significance in Islam

This holiday is very important in Islam. It shows deep faith and obedience to Allah. Eid lasts three to four days and includes prayers. People donate to charity and share meat from animals they’ve sacrificed. Common animals for sacrifice are lambs, goats, cows, or camels. The meat is shared with family, friends, and those in need3.

The meat is split into three equal parts. One part goes to the family, one to friends and relatives. The last part helps the less fortunate3.

The Story of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham)

The story of Prophet Ibrahim is key to Eid al-Adha. It tells how he was ready to sacrifice his son, Ismail, obeying God’s order. Just before doing so, God offered a ram instead. This gesture is remembered through the sacrifice of animals during Eid. The Ka’bah in Mecca, very important to Islam, was built by Prophet Ibrahim and Ismail. It’s a sacred place visited by millions of pilgrims during Hajj each year2.

Global Observances of Eid al-Adha

Eid al-Adha is celebrated worldwide. Each place has its own unique customs. In Pakistan, over 7.5 million animals were sacrificed in 2011, showing how big the celebration can be3. During this time, millions of Muslims join in prayers and festivities. It also marks the time of Hajj, an annual pilgrimage to Mecca. About 2 million Muslims make this journey each year2.

Islamic holidays like Eid al-Adha move each year on the Gregorian calendar. This is due to following the Islamic lunar calendar. For example, in 2024, Eid al-Adha in the United States will start on the evening of Sunday, 16 June2.

Eid Celebrations in Conflict Zones

The conflict in Gaza makes celebrating Eid al-Adha very hard. People face problems because of damaged buildings and strict rules. These issues change how families usually celebrate. More than 37,000 Palestinians lost their lives, with over 87,000 wounded. The conflict also destroyed hundreds of thousands of houses45.

Challenges Faced by Gaza Residents

Eid in Gaza has special challenges. There’s a lot of damage and not much to use. Life is hard to continue normally. Many homes are not safe, so families have to move to celebrate. It’s also tough to buy Eid gifts or make the usual meals.

Adaptations to Traditional Eid Practices

adaptive Eid practices

Yet, people find new ways to celebrate Eid. Families make simpler meals because food is scarce and expensive. Communal prayers change location to places outside. One example is in Lebanon, where Muslims visit the Palestine Martyrs Cemetery. They bring flowers and water to remember their loved ones45.

The spirit of Eid stays strong, even with all the challenges. This shows how Gazans are creative and strong. They keep the tradition alive, proving they are resilient.

Impact of Ongoing Conflict on Eid Festivities

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas has greatly affected how Eid is celebrated. In the Gaza Strip, people face challenges celebrating the holiday due to losses and being away from loved ones. Since the conflict started on Oct. 76, it has caused over 33,500 deaths and 76,000 injuries.

The destruction has made it hard for families to gather and rejoice. Many are mourning and find it tough to come together for the holiday.

Disruptions in Family Gatherings

Eid’s central act, family gatherings, has been hit hard. The neighborhood of Rajaa Abu Jasser’s husband saw around 110 family members die from Israeli strikes6. This huge loss has left a void and made the holiday spirit hard to keep.

The displacement of millions in Gaza has also made it nearly impossible for large feasts. Traditions are being disrupted under the weight of these challenges7.

Lack of Resources and Essentials

Getting enough to eat during Eid is a challenge. In Gaza, food is not easy to find and is expensive8. For example, a kilo of flour costs around $40 now6. Most can only afford simple meals or may not have enough to eat at all8.

This lack of food takes away from the holiday feeling and makes traditional Eid dishes hard to prepare.

The continuing situation in Gaza not only affects Eid but also deepens the ongoing humanitarian crisis. The lack of basic needs makes keeping the Eid spirit difficult. Yet, Gazans show remarkable heart by keeping their cultural and family ties strong during these tough times.

Deaths since Oct. 733,500+6
Injuries since Oct. 776,000+6
Flour Cost Per Kilo$406
Displaced PopulationMost of 2.4 million7
Family Deaths (Abu Jasser)110 members6

Eid Prayers and Gatherings in Gaza

In Gaza, despite troubles, many people are keen on their Eid prayers and gatherings. Because of conflict, fewer people went to big sites like Al-Aqsa Mosque. This year, only 40,000 people were there, way down from 100,000 the year before5.

Gaza’s communal prayers now happen in places put together quickly. This is because most homes, about 70%, have been damaged or destroyed. So, people meet in rough buildings or shelters9. Yet, they’re strong in keeping the Eid spirit alive.

Eid spirituality

Gaza folks show their strength by still having Eid events. Despite tough times and little freedom to move, they gather for prayers. These moments show their hard faith and also build stronger community ties in crisis.

Food and Feasting during Eid amidst Scarcity

Eid al-Adha is known for its big feasts. Families gather to eat special Eid meals, often with meat from freshly slaughtered animals. But in Gaza, a food crisis is changing these traditions. Blockades and the destruction of farms mean there’s not much livestock or ingredients. This has made the prices shoot up, making it hard for many to celebrate as they used to.

Traditional Eid Dishes

In the past, Gaza families would cook big meals with lamb as the main dish. Now, the price of meat has gone very high. A kilogram of meat can cost 200 shekels, which is about $50. This is too much for a lot of families to pay10. Also, a live sheep used to cost $200 but now it’s as much as $1,300, if you can find one10.

Current Food Crisis in Gaza

This crisis made families eat simpler foods. Most people in Gaza only eat what’s given in food aid. There are many who just eat rice and beans because they can’t afford meat10. The conflict has made things worse, but soup kitchens are helping. One soup kitchen in Rafah makes food in 35 pots every day. But they still can’t feed everyone who needs it11.

The food crisis is really hard for people during Ramadan and Eid. Some older people say they’ve never faced such tough times in their 60 years. Not having their usual Eid meals shows how bad the situation is. Even the simple foods are now hard to get for Eid celebrations.

Eid Activities and Community Support

In Gaza, community support during Eid is crucial. People work hard to keep traditions alive and help each other out. Even facing tough times, they try to make Eid feel normal through different activities12.

They visit friends, neighbors, and family, following certain manners to build stronger bonds12. These meet-ups are key in uniting the community and boosting everyone’s spirits.

Community Efforts to Sustain Traditions

Eid activities

In Gaza, families and groups get creative during Eid. They decorate, do arts and crafts, and even set up puzzles for kids to enjoy13. It’s also advised to eat in moderation, considering the lack of food in the region12.

These activities show how devoted the community is. They make sure the heart of Eid stays strong, even when resources are few.

Role of Humanitarian Aid

Humanitarian aid is a lifeline for many in Gaza during Eid. It includes food, homes, and healthcare, easing families’ burdens13. Giving to the less fortunate is an important Eid practice, highlighting the need for continued help12.

All these actions help keep the Eid spirit alive, showing that unity and support can overcome any challenge during this special time.

Eid Decorations and Ambiance in Gaza

Eid al-Adha’s joy is often seen in colorful decorations at home and in the streets. Sadly, in Gaza, celebrations are smaller because of the many challenges. Still, people like Amani al-Kahlout are making every effort to keep the Eid spirit alive14. They use what they have to spread joy, showing their strong will in tough times.

In the past, families in Gaza decorated early, excited for the treats their moms would make15. Now, with much of Gaza’s buildings destroyed and many forced to leave, it’s different16. Yet, their creative Eid decorations show their optimism despite hardships.

One heartwarming tradition is how people use simple, cheap decorations to brighten their Eid nights. Simple crafts, like small lanterns, create a feeling of togetherness and hope. These small acts highlight the importance of Eid decorations in bringing Gazans happiness, even temporarily.

Amani al-Kahlout, an Instagram star from Gaza with 200,000 followers, is spreading this message14. She wants to show the world that Gaza isn’t only about challenges but also about dreams and striving for a better future. The way Gazans maintain their Eid traditions, amidst difficulties, shows their unyielding spirit and hope.

Emotional and Psychological Impact of Celebrating Eid in Conflict

Eid in conflict areas like Gaza causes great emotional strain. After the fasting of Ramadan, there is a feeling of emotional emptiness. People feel vulnerable and tired spiritually because of the past month17.

Joining Eid celebrations under these circumstances is hard on mental health. Buying gifts and preparing special meals can push finances. Also, needing to act happy can make existing mental issues worse17.

What’s more, the compulsion to join social events can be a lot for some. It especially hits hard on those with social fears or without community ties17.

Stories of Resilience and Hope

However, stories of hope always shine through. Communities support each other, creating safe spaces. This helps people share their struggles17.

Talking openly about mental well-being is crucial in fighting stigma. Families and communities play a big role in this17.

Also, giving during Eid elevates the spirit and tightens community bonds18. Being kind and connecting with others boosts emotional health and stress management18.

Even small acts of kindness enhance community resilience against tough times.

Commemorating Lost Loved Ones

Eid is also about remembering lost loved ones. This can be very touching, offering comfort through faith and community17.

Events during Eid keep memories of the departed alive. This supports emotional health by bringing people together.

Taking care of oneself is key during Eid. Being aware of emotional needs helps deal with hard times better17.

Eid teachings are about understanding emotions, building communities, and self-care. These lessons are timeless and help overcome challenges in life17.

Eid Greetings and Messages of Solidarity

Eid al-Adha is celebrated by Muslims worldwide for three to four days. It’s a time to share warm greetings and messages of unity, especially in hard times19. This holiday is more than just joyful moments. It’s about spreading love, joy, and blessings. Muslims connect with their community strongly during this period.

Current events, like the conflict in Gaza, make this solidarity more vital than ever. More than 110 wishes and messages of Eid Mubarak have been spread to build stronger connections and share hope20. These messages focus on peace, prosperity, and spiritual reflection. They highlight the importance of charity and staying obedient to shared values21. By sharing these moments, people remember the true meaning of Eid, creating a global bond across distance.

Reaching out with Eid Mubarak to loved ones, friends, and even workmates is crucial during Eid al-Adha. It shows the importance of giving and being there for those less fortunate19. Through various wishes and messages, the Eid spirit grows stronger21. Regardless if it’s through old-fashioned ways or new methods like social media, these greetings are key. They help boost people’s spirits and mental health during tough times. Sending these wishes is a sign of strong resilience and the unbreakable human will.


What is the significance of Eid al-Adha in Islam?

Eid al-Adha, or the “Feast of the Sacrifice,” marks Prophet Ibrahim’s test of faith. He was ready to sacrifice his son, Ismail, following God’s command. This story is shared with Jewish and Christian faiths, where Abraham almost sacrificed Isaac. For Muslims, it’s a time for prayers, giving to others, and remembering Ibrahim and Ismail’s sacrifice.

How is Eid al-Adha celebrated globally?

After the annual pilgrimage to Mecca, Muslims worldwide celebrate Eid al-Adha. They start with community prayers. Then, they enjoy feasts where animals are sacrificed. They share this meat with the less fortunate. Gifts and new clothes are also given, mainly to children.

What challenges do Gaza residents face during Eid celebrations amidst ongoing conflict?

In Gaza, the conflict means Eid al-Adha is harder for families. They lack food, important items, and their homes and surroundings are damaged. Many have been forced to leave their homes. This makes it difficult to have big family feasts and enjoy the holiday’s usual fun activities.

How have Gazans adapted their traditional Eid practices due to the conflict?

Gazans have changed their Eid traditions to fit with the ongoing conflicts. They have simpler meals and find new places for prayers. They need a lot of help from aid for food, shelter, and medical care. Still, they try to keep the holiday’s spirit alive.

How does the ongoing conflict in Gaza impact family gatherings during Eid?

The war in Gaza has made celebrating Eid very hard for families. Many can’t find or afford meat, which is a big part of the feast. This, plus the lack of other items, makes the holiday feel less joyful and festive.

How are Eid prayers and gatherings conducted in Gaza under conflict conditions?

Gazans come together for Eid prayers even in the midst of conflict. They use damaged or makeshift places for these prayers. This shows how strong their religious community is, even in tough times.

What are some traditional Eid dishes, and how has the food crisis in Gaza affected these practices?

Eid meals usually feature dishes from freshly slaughtered animals. However, in Gaza, the conflict has led to a shortage of animals and ingredients. This means many families can’t make the typical big meals for the holiday. Some can’t even find meat to include in their meals.

What role does humanitarian aid play in Gaza during Eid?

Humanitarian aid is extremely important for helping in Gaza during Eid. It provides food, shelter, and healthcare. This aid helps the community support each other and uphold their traditions, despite the war.

How do Gaza residents maintain the festive ambiance of Eid amidst the conflict?

In Gaza, some people do their best to decorate and celebrate Eid. Even with very little, they try to keep the holiday spirit alive. This shows their resilience and creativity, especially during tough times.

What are the emotional and psychological impacts of celebrating Eid in a conflict zone like Gaza?

Eid can be emotionally hard in places like Gaza. People rely on their faith and each other to stay strong and hopeful. Remembering those who have lost their lives makes the holiday even more meaningful.

How do people in Gaza and beyond exchange Eid greetings and messages of solidarity?

In difficult times, Eid greetings and messages are more important than ever. People use social media and other ways to connect and support each other. This creates a global sense of unity during the holiday, despite the challenges.
  1. https://ca.news.yahoo.com/usually-joyous-muslim-holiday-reminds-044819865.html
  2. https://www.history.com/topics/holidays/eid-al-adha
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eid_al-Adha
  4. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/pilgrims-hajj-rites-muslims-eid-al-adha/
  5. https://www.aljazeera.com/gallery/2024/6/16/muslims-observe-eid-al-adha-in-the-shadow-of-israels-war-on-gaza
  6. https://inkstickmedia.com/in-Gaza-Eid-celebrations-have-been-replaced-by-bombings-and-hunger/
  7. https://m.economictimes.com/news/international/world-news/no-joy-Gazans-mark-sombre-Eid-in-shadow-of-war/articleshow/111037637.cms
  8. https://contendingmodernities.nd.edu/global-currents/ramadan-Eid-famine-in-Gaza/
  9. https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/10/middleeast/gaza-eid-israel-war-hamas-intl/index.html
  10. https://ca.news.yahoo.com/usually-joyous-muslim-holiday-reminds-044619822.html
  11. https://www.trtworld.com/middle-east/gazas-displaced-families-break-fast-with-canned-food-as-famine-looms-17359831
  12. https://aboutislam.net/family-life/youth-4-the-future/10-ways-to-have-a-productive-eid-plus-events-activities/
  13. https://www.playfulhomeducation.com/post/eid-activities-for-kids
  14. https://www.aljazeera.com/gallery/2022/5/2/gaza-comfortably-celebrates-eid-al-fitr
  15. https://truthout.org/articles/for-many-muslims-in-gaza-this-years-eid-celebration-is-overshadowed-by-sorrow/
  16. https://english.palinfo.com/Palestinian-Heritage/2024/04/11/317221/
  17. https://connect.muslimpro.com/2024/04/navigating-seasonal-depression-emotional-challenges-during-eid/
  18. https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/16/health/eid-al-adha-holiday-mindfulness/index.html
  19. https://y20india.in/eid-ul-adha-2024-wishes/
  20. https://www.wolfglobal.org/blog/eid-mubarak-wishes
  21. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/events/happy-eid-ul-adha-2024-best-eid-mubarak-wishes-and-messages-for-friends-family-teachers-husband-wife-kids-and-colleagues/articleshow/111035578.cms


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