July 20, 2024

MCC launches the 2024 Community Cricket Heroes campaign.

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The Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) is excited to start the 2024 Community Cricket Heroes campaign. This is its second year highlighting 11 people who do amazing things in grassroots cricket nationwide1. Working with The Cricketer magazine, the campaign honors those in grassroots cricket. It invites them to Lord’s to watch a top cricket match from a special suite2. Last year’s event was a huge success, showing it really makes a difference in the cricket world1.

Notable nominees from previous years include Lachlan Smith, who started an LGBTQ+ cricket club. And Taj Butt, known for her work in girls’ cricket3. Sheena Recaldin also stands out for protecting her local cricket club. The current panel of judges includes Arfan Akram, Mike Gatting, Dr. Sarah Fane, and Lachlan Smith. It’s led by Claire Taylor, the MCC Chair of Cricket1.

MCC President Mark Nicholas and last year’s winner, Lachlan Smith, will help choose this year’s heroes. Nominations end at midday on Tuesday, 16 July for those wanting to suggest someone. Winners will be announced shortly after2.

Key Takeaways

  • The MCC launches its 2024 Community Cricket Heroes campaign for the second consecutive year.
  • In partnership with The Cricketer magazine, the campaign will honor contributors to grassroots cricket.
  • Successful nominees will be invited to Lord’s to watch a cricket match from the President’s Suite.
  • The special panel includes members like Arfan Akram, Mike Gatting, Dr. Sarah Fane, and Claire Taylor.
  • Nominations for the 2024 campaign will close on Tuesday, 16 July at midday.

The Purpose of the Community Cricket Heroes Campaign

The MCC’s Community Cricket Heroes Campaign aims to support grassroots cricket. It celebrates the efforts of cricket fans and volunteers. These are the unsung heroes who make a big difference in local cricket.

Supporting Grassroots Cricket

This campaign highlights people who help cricket grow at its base. It works to keep cricket strong, especially during tough times. Last year, 11 local cricket champions were invited to Lord’s for a special day1. They watched the England v Ireland Men’s Test match, showing strong support for grassroots cricket.

This time, a team of 11 Community Cricket Heroes will watch a match. They’ll see either the England vs. Sri Lanka men’s Test Match or the England vs. Australia men’s One-Day International14.

Recognizing Unsung Heroes

The campaign spotlights those who start LGBTQ+ cricket clubs, help girls play cricket, and keep local clubs alive1. Anyone can nominate a hero, no matter their age or background. This shows how everyone in recreational cricket can make a difference.

Stephen Fry, Jamie Cox, and Huw Turbervill are part of the selection group4. They are looking for people who truly show what cricket and community are all about.

In partnership with The Cricketer magazine, the campaign shines a light on these heroes. It shows their key role in the cricket community15. Nominations end on April 28. The winners will be announced in The Cricketer’s June issue and on social media14.

Highlights from the 2023 Campaign

The 2023 Community Cricket Heroes campaign celebrated local cricket heroes. Eleven people were recognized for their big influence on community cricket. They were invited to Lord’s cricket event to watch a special match from the President’s Suite.

Last Year’s Winners

Lachlan Smith stood out for starting an LGBTQ+ cricket club. Taj Butt was honored for boosting girls’ cricket in Bradford. Sheena Recaldin’s work kept her village club flourishing against the odds. These amazing stories show how grassroots cricket matters.

Event at Lord’s

The Lord’s cricket event was extra special with these winners there. James Worstead remembered his first trip to Lord’s thanks to the campaign. It not only celebrated their work but also encouraged more support for local cricket. This showed the deep passion behind growing cricket from the bottom up.

The Role of MCC in Promoting Cricket

Since 1787, the Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) has been crucial in cricket’s growth6. It partners with The Cricketer magazine to highlight efforts such as the Community Cricket Heroes campaign.

Partnership with The Cricketer Magazine

The MCC’s partnership with The Cricketer magazine shines a light on local cricket projects. This work celebrates those who make a big difference in getting new players involved.

Together, MCC and The Cricketer enhance the love for the game across Britain. They do this by recognizing and supporting those who play a key part in cricket’s future.

MCC’s Commitment to Community Cricket

The MCC, lovingly called the “Mecca of Cricket,” has guided cricket’s path since 17876. It began by setting the Laws of Cricket and keeping the game fair over the years.

The MCC focuses on the young, helping them reach their cricketing dreams. Its program, along with MCC University, has brought forward global cricket stars6.

Additionally, Lord’s Cricket Ground, run by the MCC, has seen key cricketing moments. It has hosted events like the Ashes and Cricket World Cup, proving its central place in cricket


Eligibility Criteria for Nomination

The cricket heroes nomination criteria focus on those who’ve really helped in community cricket. These community cricket awards honor volunteers, coaches, and players. They’ve worked hard to improve the sport at a local level.

It’s important that those nominated stay active in cricket for three years after being nominated7. The last day to nominate someone for 2024 is January 26, 20247. Winners get special recognition, including at MCC’s 2024 Commencement on May 16, 20247.

cricket heroes nomination criteria

To be considered, you must have a degree or certificate from MCC and meet special criteria7. The nomination package must include a cover letter, the nominee’s resume, and letters of support7.

The MCC sets high standards to ensure deserving people get recognized fairly. This keeps the tradition of celebrating grassroots cricket alive. These cricket heroes nomination criteria show the true value of the community cricket awards and the ongoing work of local cricket heroes.

The Selection Panel

The MCC heroes selection panel is made up of notable cricket figures. They include Arfan Akram, Mike Gatting, Claire Taylor, and Dr. Sarah Fane. These experts oversee the selection of nominees for the Community Cricket Heroes campaign. They ensure a fair and detailed review of all candidates.

Notable Members

The selection panel includes well-known cricket figures. Among them are Arfan Akram, known for his coaching skills, and Mike Gatting, a cricket expert. Claire Taylor, the MCC Chair of Cricket, and Dr. Sarah Fane, focused on cricket development, also contribute. They all lend their expertise and ensure a fair selection process.

The Selection Process

The selection process is both careful and unbiased. The panel, led by former England international Claire Taylor, reviews submissions closely. They look for people who have significantly helped community cricket. The goal is to find those whose actions have truly benefited local areas through cricket.

How to Nominate a Cricket Hero

If you want to nominate a cricket hero for the Community Cricket Heroes award, the process is simple. Just follow the MCC’s nomination steps. This ensures your hero has a fair chance and everyone can take part.

Steps to Submit Nominations

  1. Find someone who’s making a big difference in local cricket. This could be a volunteer, a coach, or a player who’s faced tough challenges.
  2. Head to the official MCC Community Cricket Heroes campaign page.
  3. Fill in the nominee’s details and tell us how they help in community cricket on the nomination form.
  4. Send the form in before the deadline, so the selection panel can review it.

Important Dates

Don’t forget these dates if you want your nominee to be considered:

  • It’s time to nominate for the Community Cricket Heroes. Nominations close on Tuesday, 16 July, at midday.
  • The lucky winners will be chosen by a panel that includes famous cricket figures. They will get a chance to watch a Men’s Test match at Lord’s when England plays Ireland8.
  • The winners will be announced later, linked with other important cricket events.

This nomination process has led to heroes like Bobby Behdazi and Sheena Recaldin being honored. They’ve truly made a difference in local cricket9.

Perks for the Selected Heroes

Heroes of the cricket community are in for a special treat in 2024. The MCC’s Community Cricket Heroes campaign offers them unmatched benefits. From front-row seats at Lord’s to a personalized touch in the President’s Suite, heroes will be celebrated. These rewards are a fitting tribute to their work in supporting the game.

Special Guests at Lord’s

This year, the chosen ones will enjoy special access at Lord’s. They’ll be at the heart of grand cricket events. This could be the England v Sri Lanka Test Match or England v Australia One-Day International Men’s matches. It’s a unique chance to honor their grassroots cricket efforts at one of cricket’s most hallowed grounds.

Presidential Suite Experience

The apex of recognition for cricket heroes is a visit to the President’s Suite at Lord’s. Here, they join the MCC President for a rare viewing experience. It’s a chance to dive into cricketing history and bask in Lord’s vibrant ambiance. This unique chance marries tradition with honoring their significant support.

Past Success Stories

The Community Cricket Heroes campaign has shared many inspiring cricket success stories. These stories have changed lives and helped the local cricket community grow.

Inspiring Lives Changed by Cricket

Cricket impacts lives off the field for many. The Community Cricket Heroes stories show how the sport can transform. For instance, Kum. Gitanjali Swain found a good job at Sahi Exports Pvt. Ltd. with only a ninth-grade education. She earns Rs.12,533 P.M10.

Smt. Harapriya Sahoo, also with limited education, got a job at the same company. She works as a Checker and earns the same salary10. This proves that being part of cricket can lead to better jobs and stability for those involved.

cricket success stories

Impact on Local Communities

Cricket changes lives and helps the local community. For example, Swapnarani Sahoo found a job in customer service. She works at Innospree Solutions Pvt. Ltd., earning Rs.13,000 a month10.

Others, like Kuldeep Shakyawal and Sandeep Meena, became Solar Technicians. Their wages increased to Rs.17,200/- each monthly. This not only helps them but also boosts their communities10.

Stories like Suraj Ghusar, Vishal Singh, and Amit Kumar Sharma’s also shine. They now work as Sales Executives at Magic Grow Biotech Pvt Ltd. They make INR 10,250 a month10. These successes show how cricket can better entire communities.

Success StoryCandidatePositionCompanyPay Scale
1Kum. Gitanjali SwainEmployeeSahi Exports Pvt. LtdRs.12,533 P.M.
2Smt. Harapriya SahooCheckerSahi Exports Pvt. LtdRs.12,533 P.M.
3Swapnarani SahooCustomer Care ExecutiveInnospree Solutions Pvt. LtdRs.13,000 P.M.

These cricket success stories clearly show the sport’s positive impact. The Community Cricket Heroes campaign plays a big role in supporting these life changes. It ensures cricket continues to uplift communities, creating strong and successful cricket areas.

MCC’s Vision for Grassroots Cricket

MCC works hard to help cricket grow from the ground up, making sure the game is for everyone. They focus on long-term plans that keep cricket friendly and open to all.

Long-term Goals

MCC wants cricket to be a safe haven for everyone. They push for a balance between men and women playing the game. For example, in 2022, 18% of fans at The Hundred were women, showing MCC’s drive for equality11. Their efforts have seen good results, with both men and women enjoying community cricket programs, making up 56% of men and 44% of women11.

This mix shows MCC’s mission to keep cricket as a unifying sport.

Sustainable Development of Cricket

Supporting growth from a young age is essential, according to MCC. Take the MCC Foundation program as an example. It’s helped more girls join in, going from just 16% in 2019 to 32% now11. They’re also making an impact around the world, like in Nepal where after coaching by MCC, 45 girls were ready for district play11.

This all-around strategy creates a strong cricket community that cherishes the game’s future around the world.

Voices from the Cricket Community

Last year, the Community Cricket Heroes campaign was a big hit. Winners shared how much the award meant to them. It really showed through their work and the spirit of their community. For example, Lachlan Smith started a cricket club for the LGBTQ+ community. He said the award helped more people see cricket as a welcoming sport.

Testimonials from Last Year’s Winners

Sheena Recaldin was praised for her work with a village cricket club. She was thrilled and felt her efforts were recognized because of this award. Her words showed the importance of volunteer work in sports.

At the same time, Taj Butt was very happy to receive the award for encouraging girls to play cricket. He mentioned that thanks to their hard work, more girls now play cricket. The MCC Foundation reported a growth of girls joining the sport to 1,500 from only 940 the year before12.

Quotes from MCC President Mark Nicholas

Mark Nicholas, the MCC President, shared something special at a recent event. He spoke of the deep connection cricket has with local communities. He said the award not only recognizes individuals but also boosts the game’s spirits locally. It makes cricket more vibrant at its core, strengthening the MCC’s commitment.

These voices show how important grassroots support is for cricket. Nicholas’s words added more power to the campaign. They highlight how such awards keep the love for cricket growing, making everyone feel like they belong.


What is the MCC 2024 Community Cricket Heroes campaign?

The MCC has started the 2024 Community Cricket Heroes campaign. It shines a light on 11 amazing people in the UK who help at the local cricket scene. This project is done with The Cricketer magazine to focus on the inspiring work of volunteers, coaches, and players.

What is the purpose of the Community Cricket Heroes campaign?

This campaign helps the local cricket scene and gives credit to those who do great work there. It showcases those who give their all to grow cricket at its purest level.

Who were the winners of the 2023 Community Cricket Heroes campaign?

The 2023 winners included people like Lachlan Smith, who started an LGBTQ+ cricket club. There was also Taj Butt, who boosted girls’ cricket, and Sheena Recaldin, who saved her village cricket team.

What event did the 2023 winners attend?

The 2023 winners went to Lords to see the England v Ireland Men’s Test match. They got to watch from the President’s Suite.

How is MCC involved in promoting cricket?

The MCC works hard to promote cricket by teaming up with others. For example, they partner with The Cricketer magazine for campaigns like the Community Cricket Heroes. They really care about making local cricket better and showing appreciation for those who help it grow.

What are the eligibility criteria for nominating a cricket hero?

To be selected as a Community Cricket Hero, individuals must have a visible, positive impact at the grassroots level. This includes volunteers, coaches, and players who overcome challenges while doing great things for local cricket.

Who is on the selection panel for the 2024 Community Cricket Heroes?

The selection team includes people like Arfan Akram and Mike Gatting, along with Dr. Sarah Fane. It is led by Claire Taylor, the MCC Chair of Cricket. Also, the MCC President Mark Nicholas and last year’s winner Lachlan Smith help choose the next heroes.

How can I nominate a cricket hero?

Nominate a hero by following the steps outlined on the MCC website. The deadline is Tuesday, 16 July at midday. After this date, the panel will go through the nominations and pick the winners.

What are the perks for the selected Community Cricket Heroes?

The chosen heroes will be special guests at Lord’s. They’ll enjoy the President’s Suite during either the England v Sri Lanka men’s Test Match or the England v Australia men’s One-Day International.

Can you share some past success stories from this campaign?

Past successes include Lachlan Smith’s inclusive club, Taj Butt’s work in Bradford, and Sheena Recaldin’s team rescue. These stories show how cricket changes lives and communities.

What is MCC’s long-term vision for grassroots cricket?

The MCC is focused on making grassroots cricket sustainable and important. They want to make cricket more welcoming and a key part of communities. This is how they plan to ensure cricket thrives in the long run.

What are some testimonials from the cricket community about this initiative?

Winners from last year praised the program. They said it made a big difference. MCC President Mark Nicholas also underlined the importance of recognizing local cricket heroes. It shows MCC’s deep support for community cricket.
  1. https://www.lords.org/lords/news-stories/mcc-launch-2024-community-cricket-heroes-campaign
  2. https://sussexcricket.co.uk/news/stephen-fry-launches-mcc-campaign-reward-community-cricket-heroes
  3. https://www.lords.org/lords/news-stories/mcc-community-cricket-heroes-enjoy-special-day-at
  4. https://www.thecricketer.com/Topics/grassroots/nominate_your_community_cricket_hero_win_day_lords_stephen_fry.html
  5. https://cricketwales.org.uk/news/stephen-fry-launches-mcc-campaign-to-reward-community-cricket-he
  6. https://collectlo.com/deepankar936072/the-marylebone-cricket-club-mcc-mecca-of-cricket
  7. https://mcckc.edu/foundation/docs/DistinguishedAlumForm.pdf
  8. https://www.norfolkcricket.co.uk/stephen-fry-launches-mcc-campaign-to-reward-community-cricket-heroes/
  9. https://www.cricexec.com/2023/06/07/mcc-community-cricket-heroes-enjoy-special-day-at-lords-with-stephen-fry/
  10. https://www.ncs.gov.in/Documents/Success-Stories/Final-Success-Story-February-2024.pdf
  11. https://www.lords.org/mcc/the-club/women-and-girls
  12. https://www.lords.org/lords/news-stories/mcc-launch-young-female-broadcaster-of-the-year-co


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