July 3, 2024

Why Project 2025 is Good: Positive Impact for America’s Future

Read Time:17 Minute, 38 Second

Why Project 2025 is Good-The Heritage Foundation started Project 2025. It wants to change how future leaders run the U.S. It has a $22 million plan with a 1,000-page book and 100 groups working together1. This plan aims to make the government work smoother by making it easier for the President to influence things. It also looks to get rid of things that slow down progress.

Project 2025’s “Mandate for Leadership” is very important. It’s a big book of 920 pages that shows a full plan2. This plan says we should stop some work on renewable energy and climate research. By doing this, it hopes to make things better in money, nature, defense, and how we all get along.

Key Takeaways:

  • Project 2025 is a big plan by The Heritage Foundation.
  • It uses $22 million and has a 1,000-page book plus 100 groups working together1.
  • The “Mandate for Leadership” is a key part, with 920 pages2.
  • It wants to make the President’s role and the government smoother.
  • It plans to end some government work on renewable energy2.
Why Project 2025 is Good

Introduction to Project 2026

The introduction to Project 2025 talks about a big plan by the Heritage Foundation. It is helped by about 100 other conservative groups3. The plan looks at big policies that could change life in America. This includes things like the economy, the environment, defense, and what we value3. The plan is over 900 pages long. It gives lots of details on how to influence the government in a conservative way34.

Project 2025 has a main guidebook called “Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise”. This book talks about changing DOJ, getting rid of the FBI, and fixing the NIH35. The Heritage Foundation says many ideas from their earlier book were used by Reagan. They also want to make many government jobs into political ones35.

Project 2025 also wants to change the president’s role and support family values3. They have a budget of $22 million, showing how important this project is5. The book suggests stopping diversity work in the Pentagon. It also wants to bring back soldiers who left because they didn’t get the COVID-19 vaccine4.

This project connects closely with Donald Trump’s run for president in 20245. People who used to work for the Heritage Foundation and Trump’s team are behind the project. This makes the project very strong and well-known35.

Budget$22 million5
LengthNearly 1,000 pages34
InfluenceSupported by 100 conservative organizations35
GoalsReclassification of federal jobs, overhaul of DOJ, dismantle FBI, reform NIH5
TiesClose ties to Trump’s 2024 campaign5

Economic Benefits of Project 2025

The plan of Project 2025 will make America’s money world better. It wants to make more jobs and grow the economy. The plan also looks to change how our money system works by getting rid of the Federal Reserve. It wants a money system that is not as controlled from one place.

Job Creation and Growth

Project 2025 will bring lots of jobs in different areas. It wants to cut down how much the government spends on Medicaid. This could save $4.5 trillion in the next ten years6. The saved money will go to things that help the economy and make new jobs.

Project 2025 also aims to balance how much money states get for Medicaid. They want to make the share 50% for all states6. This change will make things fairer and help create more jobs. The Heritage Foundation did well with changing things before, which makes these new ideas seem good7.

Support for Free Banking

Project 2025 supports having a free banking system. This means making it less controlled by one group. It aims to make the money setup more fair and better by having less central control.

Having a free banking system fits with Project 2025’s big economic dreams. It helps make more business and makes things run better. This plan makes the economy stronger and ready for hard times.

Impacts on Federal Regulations

Project 2025 wants to change federal rules a lot. It plans to make the government work faster and give the president more power. It will use the Schedule F policy to do this.

Deconstructing the Administrative State

Project 2025 will make big changes to government rules8. It wants to get rid of some rules that protect the public. Instead of following science, it could let politics and money decide things. For example, it might cut back on studying climate change. This would stop us from solving real problems with the environment8.

Another goal is to support using more fossil fuels and not much clean energy. Even though fossil fuels can hurt our health and the planet, Project 2025 wants to use them more8.

Schedule F Implementation

Project 2025’s Schedule F is key to changing the government. It aims to put more people with conservative views in charge. This could weaken a law that protects the environment, known as NEPA8.

Also, it could make facts about climate change seem wrong. This would make it easier to stop environmental rules8. Project 2025 even wants to change Medicare. It plans to make it private. This would be a big change in how the government helps with health care9.

Climate and Energy Policy

Project 2026 wants America to handle environment and energy issues in a new way. It plans to stop some federal programs to focus more on our own energy and money needs. This change happens even though it might hurt the environment10.

Rollback of Green Energy Initiatives

The plan is to stop helping with green energy and to get rid of some laws that support it10. This means getting rid of important government offices. And it also means cutting money for clean energy projects11. These changes could slow down our move towards clean energy by 10 years12. It could also mean losing out on $1 trillion in investments for energy that’s good for the earth12.

Increased Fossil Fuel Production

Instead of cutting back, Project 2026 wants to make more fossil fuels. Leaders, including Bernard McNamee and William Perry Pendley, plan to grow the gas industry. They want to remove some rules for drilling11. This change supports getting energy from many sources. It could help make more oil and gas10. By 2030, it might add 4 billion tons of gases that harm the earth12. These efforts mean putting more focus on traditional energy sources. They show a change in how we see our environmental goals.

Reforming Defense and Security

Project 2025 wants a big change in how we protect our country. It aims to make defense better, keeping America safe and strong.

Expansion of the Nuclear Arsenal

Project 2025 has a big plan for our nuclear weapons. It’s all about making sure other countries think twice before attacking us. With this plan, the U.S. wants to stay powerful worldwide, thanks to its strong nuclear power. This is super important as the world changes, and big weapons are key to staying secure. A bigger nuclear arsenal means better protection for not just us, but also our friends.

Reevaluating International Organizations

Project 2025 also looks at how the U.S. works with global groups. It checks if being in these groups helps us and the world stay safe. The goal is to make sure our partnerships bring real peace and safety. This is all part of making our defense and friendship with other countries work better.

Over 100 groups have joined Project 2025, and 400 experts have shared ideas1314. The past success, with the Trump team using 64 percent of advised changes in the first year, shows how big these changes could be15.

The Importance of Project 2025 for America’s Future

Project 2025 is a big plan to change America. It wants to make big changes under a new president. These changes will cover things like how people can have babies, following laws, and who can come into the country16. This plan is very important for how America will be run in the future.

strategic importance of Project 2025

One big part of Project 2025 is about changing rules in the government. It supports bringing in new workers for government jobs. This move will make the government work better for everyone17. It’s all about making the government do its job well for the people.

Next, it talks about how it will get money and make the plan work. Lots of groups helping with the plan got $21.5 million in support from Leonard Leo’s network16. There’s also a secret plan to make sure everything starts well in the first 180 days18.

They also focus on keeping democracy strong and making sure people are healthy. They have plans to help keep America a good place for everyone. This is very important for the future of the country and how Project 2025 fits in18.

Why Project 2025 is Good

People who support Project 2025 talk about big benefits. They say it’s a good idea because it comes from a big, 900-page plan. This plan had ideas from many groups19. The goal is to give more power back to regular Americans and less to the government in Washington20. They want to change things too, like having the president control all government workers directly19.

Project 2025 focuses on the economy too. It’s connected to something called Agenda 47 and has a $22 million budget from the Heritage Foundation19. They plan to start making changes right after the next president takes office in 202519. They want to get rid of some job protections for government workers. Instead, they’ll put in people the president picks to watch how things are run19.

This project also talks about making things safer. They want to spend more money on the border wall with Mexico. They also want immigration officers to have more power19. When it comes to energy, they think we should stop spending money on new ways to make energy and use more oil and gas instead19.

There are also plans for how we live and our culture. They want to stop people from seeing bad pictures and videos online. They also want to stop a kind of pill that can end a pregnancy but not make abortions illegal everywhere19. The goal is to keep what many people see as good about our country going.

Doing Project 2025 could really help the country in the future. The big plan mixes old ways with new, MAGA ideas in over 900 pages. This shows how much thought they’ve put into it20.

Comparisons with Historical Precedents

Project 2025 looks at the past to see the future of America. It follows the model of the Reagan Administration. This model suggests starting conservative politics again to fix past mistakes and make America strong globally.

The Reagan Administration

The Reagan Administration showed the way for Project 2025 with its conservative ideas. It aims to bring back the strong actions of the past and deal with limits on what the president can do21. Reagan’s economic plans created many jobs and made the country’s economy grow. These successes help guide the changes suggested for Project 2025. The Heritage Foundation, which influenced Reagan a lot, keeps helping with over $1.67 million in grants in 2022 for Project 2025 groups22.

Why Project 2025

Addressing the Failures of Previous Administrations

Project 2025 wants to fix what earlier presidents did wrong in different areas. Concerns are high about the president’s power not having clear limits, said by Protect Democracy23. There are worries about Congress and the courts not being strong enough. This needs changing. The idea of Viktor Orbán’s way of ruling and its effect on the US talks about a big change in how we govern21. Also, the plan of the Republican Party to put 50,000 of their supporters in the government using the Insurrection Act shows how serious the plan is to fix how the government works22.

Looking at the past helps to connect Project 2025 with the goals of conservative politics. Together, they aim to make America even better and stronger.

Social and Cultural Impact

Project 2025 will change how we act and think, focusing on old and new ways for the LGBTQ+ community. It could change the culture of the US in big ways.

Focus on Traditional Values

The Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 aims to make families key and push old values. This big plan of 887 pages has over 400 thinkers behind it24. It’s backed by over 90 conservative groups, showing a solid team effort for these ideas24. Famous people like Ben Carson and Stephen Moore are part of this too5. Together, they might shake up how things are culturally in America.

Legislation Impacting the LGBTQ+ Community

Project 2025 also focuses on laws affecting the LGBTQ+ group. It wants to remove words like “sexual orientation and gender identity” from US rules24. And it plans to limit care that supports who they are and take back their rights24. These moves could change a lot in the legal side of LGBTQ+ life, pushing for older values. This will affect many communities’ cultures.


As we finish our look at Project 2025, it’s clear this plan means a lot for America’s future. It aims to grow jobs and the economy. By 2025, we could see lots more new jobs and technologies25. These changes could bring in more money and help different industries like tech, health care, green energy, and schools25.

Project 2025 is also key for the government. It wants to make big changes, like moving 50,000 workers to new roles26. Some people worry this could make things less efficient at the federal level. But, the goal is to have a government that follows conservative ideas26.

Past times show plans like this can work. For example, Reagan made similar ideas happen. This shows the plan has promise. Other leaders after Reagan, like Trump, also used some of these ideas. So, Project 2025 could make big changes to help the country. It’s all about using a conservative plan to make things better27.

To sum up, Project 2025 is very important for America’s future. It has a chance to really change things. We just need to think about both the good and bad points carefully.


Why is Project 2025 important for America’s future?

Project 2025 is a big plan to change the U.S. by using conservative ideas. It wants to make the government work better and make decisions faster.

What is Project 2025?

Project 2025 is a plan from The Heritage Foundation. It has help from other conservative groups. The plan wants to make America better by following ideas that worked before, like Reagan’s.

How will Project 2025 impact job creation and economic growth?

Project 2025 focuses on making more jobs and growing the economy. It wants to change policies to help businesses do well. Also, it supports a new way of banking called “free banking.”

What does Project 2025 propose regarding federal regulations?

Project 2025 wants less government rules and more presidential power. It plans to use an order to change who works for the government. They hope to hire people who share conservative views.

What are the climate and energy policies in Project 2025?

Project 2025 aims to stop some green energy plans and make more fossil fuels. This change is about making America independent in energy. It puts economic interests first.

How does Project 2025 plan to reform defense and security?

Project 2025 wants to grow the country’s nuclear weapons and rethink its global roles. It’s all to make the U.S. safer and look stronger to the world.

Why should we support Project 2025?

Backing Project 2025 could renew conservative rule, grow the economy, make America safer, and keep important values. The big changes could fix what’s seen as past mistakes in leading the country.

What historical precedents does Project 2025 draw from?

Project 2025 looks to Reagan’s time for how it wants to lead. It aims to be as powerful and to correct what it sees as wrong after Reagan. This helps shape its plans for governing in a conservative way.

What social and cultural impacts are anticipated from Project 2025?

The project highlights traditional values. It’s also expected to change laws affecting the LGBTQ+ community. This shows how it wants to make a shift in society and law based on conservative beliefs.
  1. Election 2024: Exposing Project 2025 | GLAAD – https://glaad.org/election-2024-exposing-project-2025/
  2. Project 2025 tells us what a second Trump term could mean for climate policy. It isn’t pretty – https://www.wbur.org/cognoscenti/2024/03/27/heritage-foundation-project-2025-2024-election-climate-change-frederick-hewett
  3. What is Project 2025 and what does it have to do with a second Trump term? – https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/26/what-is-project-2025-trump
  4. Conservatives aim to restructure U.S. government and replace it with Trump’s vision – https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/conservatives-aim-to-restructure-u-s-government-and-replace-it-with-trumps-vision
  5. Project 2025 – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025
  6. Project 2025 Blueprint Also Includes Draconian Cuts to Medicaid – https://ccf.georgetown.edu/2024/06/17/project-2025-blueprint-also-includes-draconian-cuts-to-medicaid/
  7. Project 2025: What will happen to immigration if Trump wins the next election? – https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/project-2025-what-happen-immigration-trump-wins-next-uu79e
  8. ‘Project 2025’ Would Be Disastrous for Our Nation and Our Climate – https://blog.ucsusa.org/rachel-cleetus/project-2025-would-be-disastrous-for-our-nation-and-our-climate/
  9. Trump’s Project 2025 Agenda Would Hurt Black Americans – https://democrats.org/news/trumps-project-2025-agenda-would-hurt-black-americans/
  10. A second Trump term could slow the shift from fossil fuels as climate threats grow – https://www.npr.org/2024/06/25/nx-s1-5006573/trump-election-2024-climate-change-fossil-fuels
  11. ‘Project 2025’: plan to dismantle US climate policy for next Republican president – https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jul/27/project-2025-dismantle-us-climate-policy-next-republican-president
  12. Trump’s Environmental Agenda: Embrace Big Oil, Ignore the Climate Crisis – https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-agenda-big-oil-ignore-climate-crisis-1235047941/
  13. Top 5 Things the Left Gets Wrong About Project 2025 – https://www.dailysignal.com/2024/06/27/top-5-things-the-left-gets-wrong-about-project-2025/
  14. Project 2025, the policy substance behind Trump’s showmanship, reveals a radical plan to reshape the world – https://australiainstitute.org.au/post/project-2025-the-policy-substance-behind-trumps-showmanship-reveals-a-radical-plan-to-reshape-the-world/
  15. Project 2025: Unveiling the far right’s plan to demolish immigration in a second Trump term – Niskanen Center – https://www.niskanencenter.org/project-2025-unveiling-the-far-rights-plan-to-demolish-immigration-in-a-second-trump-term/
  16. Congressional Leaders Form Task Force to Counter Project 2025 and Defend Democracy | U.S. Congressman Jared Huffman – https://huffman.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/congressional-leaders-form-task-force-to-counter-project-2025-and-defend-democracy
  17. Conservative-backed group is creating a list of federal workers it suspects could resist Trump plans – https://apnews.com/article/trump-biden-president-project-2025-33d3fc2999a74f4aa424f1128dca2d16
  18. We Need a Project 2025 for the Left – https://www.thenation.com/article/society/project-2025-left/
  19. Project 2025: The Trump presidency wish list, explained – https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c977njnvq2do
  20. Project 2025: The Heritage Foundation’s plan to embrace bigger government during Trump’s second term – https://reason.com/2024/06/28/project-2025-the-conservative-agenda-to-embrace-bigger-government-during-trumps-second-term/
  21. Project 2025 is Trump’s blueprint to get rid of democracy and the rule of law – https://chicago.suntimes.com/columnists/2024/06/26/project-2025-donald-trump-civil-service-heritage-foundation-viktor-orban-democracy-marc-morial-column
  22. Project 2025, if allowed, will cement America as a rightwing authoritarian state • Michigan Advance – https://michiganadvance.com/2024/01/16/project-2025-if-allowed-will-cement-america-as-a-rightwing-authoritarian-state/
  23. Trump’s 2025 authoritarian playbook and what it means for democracy – https://www.wbur.org/onpoint/2024/02/26/trumps-authoritarian-playbook-for-2025-and-what-it-means-for-democracy
  24. Project 2025: The Right’s Dystopian Plan to Dismantle Civil Rights and What It Means for Women – https://msmagazine.com/2024/02/08/project-2025-conservative-right-wing-trump-woke/
  25. ‘Project 2025’ gives a fair warning of a Trump presidency – https://www.columbiamissourian.com/opinion/guest_commentaries/project-2025-gives-a-fair-warning-of-a-trump-presidency/article_37f4304e-3228-11ef-9417-3f59398916fb.html
  26. John Oliver on a second Trump term: ‘Really does promise to be far, far worse’ – https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/article/2024/jun/17/john-oliver-trump-second-term
  27. Project 2025 Publishes Comprehensive Policy Guide, ‘Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise’ – https://www.heritage.org/press/project-2025-publishes-comprehensive-policy-guide-mandate-leadership-the-conservative-promise


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